Parish News – March 2014

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have suffered in the storms and floods which have just abated. Our buildings have not fared too badly.
St Mary’s, Castletownroche seems to have survived unscathed. A couple of slates off in Mallow, but Doneraile was not so lucky. There were a number of slates off and two trees blown down – one of them a particularly large one, which pulled up a part of the driveway with its roots.

World Day of Prayer
The 2014 World day of Prayer will be celebrated at 8.15pm on Friday 7th March. The venue has been changed to the Church of the Nativity Doneraile. This year’s Service has been prepared by the Women of Egypt using the theme “Streams in the Desert.” The world day of prayer is an international and interdenominational day of informed prayerful action at which all men and women are most welcome.

Mothers’ Union
Thanks to all who came and supported the Beetle Drive on the 15th February in St. James Hall at 8pm. This was a great night of fun.

Festival Service – Monday 24 March at 8pm in Kilgariffe Church, Clonakilty where Canon Ian Jonas will be our preacher and Bishop Paul will commission our newly elected Diocesan Officers. Everyone is very welcome members of Mothers’ Union and their friends!

There is a Pampering Day on Saturday 29th March starting at 2pm in the Trident Hotel Kinsale. You can just go for the afternoon at a cost of €15 or you can go for the afternoon and stay for dinner for €35. Please contact Ruth Sherlock if you want a booking form as this must be booked before the 26th March.

Also – please ask your members for volunteers to help in the Mothers’ Union tent with baby-change and feeding facilities at the Cork Show this year – which will be on 14-15 June. Volunteers should contact Gail Jonas at – as she has kindly offered to make up the rota this year. Thank you!

Rachel Duane (Joy Sheehan’s granddaughter) would like to give a very big thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning on Saturday 8th February. It was a very successful morning, raising almost €900 which will be donated to the Belarussian Orphanage Project. Thank you for all your generosity.

Chess Club
The chess club meets on Wednesdays at 7.45pm in the Hall. They always welcome new members. Just go along, they will be pleased to see you. They are happy to teach beginners and experienced players are also welcome.

Youth Club
The Youth Club meets every second Friday night in the hall.

We wish to express our sympathy to Ivan Draper on the death of his aunt Charlotte Wilson in Tipperary and to Diana Buckley on the death of her uncle Willie Helen of Ballinscarthy, Clonakilty.

Congratulations to Charlotte and John Nagle on the birth of their daughter Ella Charlotte and to Vivienne Wharton on becoming grandparent again.

50 Years Congratulations also to Ned and Kathleen Foott who celebrated 50 years of marriage in February.

Register of Vestry members
The register of vestry members has to be update annually. At our next Vestry meeting on the 11th March (please note change of date) we will be updating this. If you are not on the list, or not sure if you are on the list please talk to the Rector or Churchwardens and they will give you a form for completion. You need to be on the register to have a vote to elect those who you wish to have on the Select Vestry for the coming year.

Summer Club
A few of us have been considering holding a Summer Club for the children for a few days in the summer. To that end we have been in touch with Rev’d Isobel Jackson and Rev’d Elaine Murray who are involved with organising such events. They are two very busy people but they have agreed to hold a meeting for our benefit on Friday the 14th March at 8pm in the rectory, Crosshaven. If anyone is interested in helping out at such an event please try and attend the above meeting. For any queries, including how to get to the rectory, please contact Avril Gubbins on (022)24267 or e-mail or Diana Buckley (022)26341.

This Easter season, Cor Mhagh Ealla, Mallow’s award winning choir, will present The Crucifixion by John Stainer in St. James’s Church, Mallow under the direction of Mark Slade. The Crucifixion is a 19th century oratorio written for choir, organ and solo voices and includes hymns for congregation participation. Cor Mhagh Ealla is pleased to invite guest soloists Ryan Morgan, tenor, and Denis Lane, bass to sing with them for this stirring piece. Other seasonable pieces will also be performed by the choir and soloists. The concert will take place on Saturday, April 12 at 8:00 PM. Tickets are €10 or €8 for students and are available at The Hibernian Hotel in Mallow or at the door on the night. We hope you will join us for what should prove to be a very enjoyable evening of music.

We meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 7.30pm in the Mercy Centre in Charleville for an evening service. The Church of Ireland, Methodists and Roman Catholics take turns in taking the service We are sad that our Methodist colleague, Revd. Liz Hewitt, will be leaving us soon as she is due for retirement and will be moving away from the area. We wish her well for the future.

Archdeacon I
It is with great sadness that we say “Goodbye” to our Archdeacon Robin Bantry White. He has been a great friend to this dioceses, a rock of good sense, a fountain of knowledge and always available with help and advice when needed. We will miss him greatly. All good wishes to him and his wife, Faith, as they move away to Paulstown, Co Kilkenny, to their retirement home.

Archdeacon II
We are delighted to hear that our next Archdeacon is to be the Reverend Adrian Wilkinson. We wish him well in this new role that he has taken on.

See the upcoming events

The Month Ahead Pray with us