Newsletter – September 2019

Mallow Union Newsletter
St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche
September 2019
Rector in Charge: Canon Alan Marley
Facebook: Mallow Union of Parishes
Twitter: @MallowUnion
Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267
Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477

Sunday 25th August
On Sunday the 25th August Canon Eithne took her last service in the parish in St. James’ Church Mallow at 11am. This was a lovely service with family, friends and parishioners. The two lay readers read and different people took part in the service. The African community did a dance and made a presentation. Afterwards there was a speech and presentation by Tadg Curtis and Paddy Lane Mallow Arts Alliance and then Michael O’Neill from Thomas Davis committee. Ruth Sherlock presented flowers on behalf of the MU in the parish. Then Chris Bond Mallow, Mary St. Leger Doneraile and Diana Buckley Castletownroche spoke on behalf of the three churches in the parish. Then Victor Wolfe, Jackie Nagle and Hazel Ladd made a presentation to her of a picture painted by Mary St. Leger, cake made by Valerie Gardiner and money from the parishioners. This was followed by lunch in the hall and grounds. Thanks to all who provided food for the lunch. There was a wide variety of food and enough for everyone. And a special word of thanks to Linda Deane Secretary of the Vestry who was MC of the proceedings and also for organising the event. We wish Canon Eithne and Richard a long and happy retirement and God’s blessing on both of them.

Parish Fete
Thanks to all who supported the fete again this year and to all who helped before, during and after. The amount raised to date is €6,100.

Jumble Sale
Thanks to Ellen Buckley and helpers who held a jumble sale in St. James’ Hall on Friday 23rd August with items that were left after the fete. A total of €300 was raised to date.

We wish to send our sympathy to the family of Wouter Roukema to his wife Catherine and family Fionntan, Ronald and Marjan and the larger family circle.

Wednesday morning service
Following the summer break the Wednesday morning 11am service in St. James Church will restart on Wednesday 4th September. It will be Morning Prayer services at present.

Vegetable Sale
There will be a vegetable sale and teas at the home of John and Jean Gardiner, Mount North, Ballyclough on Saturday 7th September from 2pm till 5pm. All proceeds are for parish funds. Please come and support.

Jigsaw Club
Jigsaw club is back for the beginning of a new and exciting year. The first meeting in on Saturday 21st September at 2.30pm in the Parish hall. We are open for all children to come and join in the activities and fun. For details contact Ina on 087 6921649 or Chris on 083 4873227

Harvest Thanksgiving Services
The 1st Harvest thanksgiving Services is in St. James on 22nd September at 3pm and we welcome the Rev. Anne M. Skuse to lead our celebrations. This year the Harvest collection will go to Cantalk Cancer Support. A local charity that meets in the Le Cheile centre and who’s focus is to provide counselling and support for those with cancer or family members. They receive no government funding. Doneraile Harvest thanksgiving service is on the 6th October and Castletownroche Havest Service is on the 20th October all at 3pm.
On Saturday the 6th July we held our outing. We met for coffee at Canon Tom and Hazel Sherlock’s home in Kildorrery. We thank them for their hospitality. Congratulations to them on their Golden Wedding anniversary which took place that week. Then we headed off to Terra Nova Fairy Garden. This enchanting garden offers something for everyone fairy lovers and gardeners alike. They have a lovely gift emporium which is full to the brim with quirky bits and bobs all hand chosen. It is Ireland’s leading fairy gift shop. After a tasty lunch in Bruff we headed to the Old Irish Ways Museum which was very enjoyable and took people back in time remembering things when they were young.
To finish our day we stopped in Adare to have a walk around before heading to the Woodlands Hotel where we enjoyed a lovely meal. Thanks to everyone who took cars and helped on the day also thanks to our Fermoy ladies who joined us.
On Wednesday 25th September we hope to have our opening service. Mrs. Hilary Dring our new Deputy President will be our speaker. This will take place in St. James’ Mallow at 8pm. All welcome.

St. James Church Concert
The next concert in St James church is on 25th October. Book the date in your diary now. More details to follow next month.

Christmas Concert
A reminder to parishioners. If you want tickets for the Christmas concert they can be booked by contacting Susan on 086 3530401. But get in soon over half the tickets have already been booked.

Volunteers Urgently Required in our Shop William O Brien St, Mallow
The National Council for the Blind in Ireland is a non profit organisation providing counselling, rehabilitation and independent living skills to over 8000 adults and children across the country. The main source of this income is through our charity shops and other fundraising events. Our Charity shops nationwide rely heavily on volunteers and we are urgently seeking volunteers for our shop on William O Brien St in Mallow. We would welcome all help .Every hour you can volunteer is much appreciated and helps directly fund these life changing services. You can also learn new skills and meet new people. If you can spare any time please contact Deirdre on 087 7010099 or Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards
Pauleen Byrne, Volunteer Coordinator
Working for people with sight loss.
Mobile : 087 7083871 Email:
Notes from Select Vestry 21/8/2019
Picnic great success €1,070 similar to last year.
Fete thanks to everyone for their work again this year.
Fund for the future money returned as no other parish did any fundraising. Thanks to David and Linda Deane for their Coffee Day for this back in 2013.
Correspondence – Alicia St Leger wrote on behalf of the Georgian Society to thank for there visit to Doneraile Church on 13th July. Priority funds news are available. Indigent Room keepers report has come
Finances – Things going ok at present but we need to keep an eye on it.
Rectory – The glebewardens are looking at this at present and pricing painting, flooring, stove. It was agreed to apply for money from the RCB to cover the cost of this.
St. James’ Church Mallow – nothing to report at present.
St. Mary’s Church, Castletownroche – Pricing doors, Bats are under control and the stairs needs to be looked at.
St. Mary’s Church, Doneraile – Fas man has another 6 months up till April. Behind the back seat the floor must be looked at and toilet wall needs to be looked at. Culture night will be on 21st September and there will be a Children Arts Exhibition in the Church
Safeguarding Trust – This form is to be updated on the 9th October
Health and Safety – All Ok
Harvest Services dates and speakers and collections as follows:
22nd September Mallow 3pm – Rev. Ann Skuce Collection Cantalk
6th October Doneraile 3pm – Rev. Keith Robers Collection Christian Aid/Indigent Room keepers
20th October Castletownroche 3pm – Rev. Gary Paulsen Collection Cork Simon
13th October Confirmation in Fermoy
Rectors Business- Thanks for everything over the last number of years.
Sunday Services – Hopefully things will continue as normal with the three Sunday morning services. Next Sunday the 1st September Castletownroche Susan Buckley and Doneraile and Mallow Rev Alan Marley. The Diocesan office will be sorting it out as to who will be taking services and at present we don’t know who is in charge.
Date of next meeting 9th October in St. James’ Hall Mallow 8pm

There will be M.P. in St. James’, Mallow on Wednesday mornings 11am

Saturday 7th September Vegetable Sale atl, Gardiner’s Mount North
Sunday 15th September Glenville Harvest Service 3pm
Sunday 15th September Ecumenical Service Mercy Centre Charleville 7.30pm
Saturday 21st September Jigsaw Club in St. James’ Hall 2.30pm
Sunday 22nd September Mallow Harvest Service 3pm
Fermoy Harvest Service 3pm
Wednesday 25th September MU Opening Service in St. James’ Church 8pm
Sunday 29th September Knockmourne Harvest Service 3pm
Sunday 6th October Doneraile Harvest Service 3pm
Ballyhooly Harvest Service 3pm
Wednesday 9th October Updating Safeguarding Trust form and Select
Vestry Meeting St. James’ Hall 8pm
Sunday 13th October Confirmation in Fermoy Church 10.30am
Sunday 20th October Castletownroche Harvest Service 3pm
Friday 25th October Concert in St. James’ Church, Mallow
Friday 13th December Christmas Concert in St. James’ Church, Mallow

1st September (Trinity 11) Green
Jeremiah 2: 4-13 Psalm 81: 1, 10-16 Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16 Luke 14: 1, 7-14
Castletownroche 10am M.P. Susan Buckley
Doneraile 10am H.C. Rev. Alan Marley
Mallow 11.45am H.C. Rev. Alan Marley

8th September (Trinity 12) Green
Jeremiah 18: 1-11 Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-18 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14: 25-33
Castletownroche 10am M.P. Emmanuel Adebisi
Doneraile 10am M.P. Avril Gubbins
Mallow 11.45am M.P. Emmanuel Adebisi

15th September (Trinity 13) Green
Jeremiah 4: 11-12, 22-28 Psalm 14 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 Luke 15: 1-10
Castletownroche 10am M.P. Avril Gubbins
Doneraile 10am H.C. Rev. Hazel Minion
Mallow 11.45am H.C. Rev. Hazel Minion

22nd September (Trinity 14) Green
Jeremiah 8: 18-9:1 Psalm 79: 1-9 1 Timothy 2: 1-7 Luke 16: 1-13
Castletownroche 10.30am H.C. Rev Peter Rhys Thomas
Doneraile 10am M.P. Avril Gubbins
Mallow 3pm Harvest Service Rev Anne Skuse

29th September (Trinity 15) Green
Jeremiah 32: 1-3a, 6-15 Psalm 91: 1-6, 14-16 1 Timothy 6: 6-19 Luke 16: 19-31

United Service Castletownroche 11am H.C. To be confirmed

6th October (Trinity 16) Green
Lamentations 1: 1-6 Psalm 137: 1-6 2 Timothy 1: 1-14 Luke 17: 5-10
Castletownroche 10am . To be confirmed
Doneraile 3pm Harvest Service Keith Roberts
Mallow 11.45am To be confirmed

If you have anything to put in the October magazine please give to Diana Buckley before Wednesday 11th September and for the October Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 2nd October. Email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.

The Month Ahead Pray with us