Mallow Union Newsletter
St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche
July/August 2016
Rector: Canon Eithne Lynch
022/21473 or 086/2535002
Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267
Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477
Parish Fete
Please come and support the Parish Fete on Saturday 13th August from 11am to 3pm. There is a charge of €2 at the gate for Adults and accompanied children are admitted free. There will be a raffle on the gate ticket. There will be all the usual stalls and a raffle. We are asking parishioners for contributions to the hampers (which are 1st and 2nd prize in the raffle) which will be put together at the discretion of the Fete committee. There is a rota going around and if you have not already been asked and are free to help please let one of the committee know what time you are available to help and what stall you would be willing to help on. If you have any queries about the fete please contact the committee.
The committee is Canon Eithne, Linda Deane, James or Hazel Ladd, Richard Lynch, Ruth Sherlock, Jackie Nagle and Diana Buckley. Please ensure any items you send in for the fete are in good working condition and that there are no out of date items (as we have to discard these).
Mothers Union
Our annual outing this year was a trip to Killarney more details about this in the next newsletter.
Royal Lifeboat Collection
There will be a collection for the Royal National Lifeboat Society on Sunday 10th July in all three churches so please give what you can to this worthy cause.
Quintets by Candlelight in St Colman’s church.
The Hydra quintet (five talented young Irish musicians) will give a concert in St Colman’s at 6.30pm on Sunday 24 July to benefit the maintenance fund. They will play a string quartet by Shostakovich and clarinet quintets by Mozart and Brahms. Tickets €15 from 022 26257 or 025 32227.
Elizabeth Bowen Commemoration
This year’s service will take place on Sunday 11 September at 3.30pm. As usual the service takes the form of Evening Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer and the address will be given by Bishop Richard Henderson.
Congratulations to Victoria Shorten (Mervyn Shorten’s daughter) and Jason Randolph (Indianapolis) who were married on the 7th May in Miami. Also to John (son of Bobby and Elizabeth) and Eimear Ludgate on the blessing of their marriage. They came from Australia to be married in the Leitrim church in which Eimear was baptised on 25th June. Then on 27th they came for a blessing to St James’ church where John had been baptised. We wish the all happiness in the future.
Vestry Meeting Report 22/6/16
Matters arising – Volunteers were needed to fix manhole outside hall. Hymn CD not here yet. Concert in St. James Church was excellent and the Maintenance received €300 from this.
Finance – Insurance has been paid. It cost the same as last year.
Rectory – heating working now, both showers working and gravel must be got to put on driveway
St. James’ Church – part of the ceiling came down in the middle of the church and was fixed the following week by Drombrook. They must come back and put scaffolding up again to give a 2nd coat of heritage plaster. They must also do roof in container to prevent condensation.
St. Mary’s Castletownroche – It was suggested to get Drombrook to have a look at the back of the church and also to clean chutes. This was to be discussed by the Castletownroche people. A grave was opened recently and it was felt it was not dug deep enough. The Rector spoke to the undertakers about this and was told there was no required depth so she was looking into this.
St. Mary’s Doneraile – Stumps of trees have not been removed yet. This was to be done.
Dromtarriffe – A resolution was passed concerning transfer of small portion of land to owner of the church.
Worship group – This group has meet twice and have revised the present mission statement and this to be reviewed annually . There are 7 areas they are looking into 1. Youth (young adults) 2. Children’s work 3. Family services 4. Visitation/visiting 5. Teaching 6. Time and reflection 7. Social life.
If you have anything to suggest on this or want more information please contact Chris Bond.
Synod Report – Canon Eithne gave a report on this.
Fete – A permit has come for the raffle so the committee will get together to send out raffle lines to all parishioners. A rota is going around to fill in where you can help.
Safeguarding Trust – The rector was to talk to Myrtle Forde about this.
Health and Safety – Victor had nothing to report though he must visit all churches again shortly.
Rectors Business – Rev David Bowles has agreed to come and preached in Castletownroche and Rev. James Stevens is to confirm if he can come to Mallow.
Date of Next meeting Thursday 15th September 2016 at 8pm in St. James’ Hall Mallow.
We express our sympathy to Bryan Deane on the death of his cousin Jane Bryan of Conna. To Tom and Nancy Ludgate and family on the death of their daugther-in-law Deidre (wife of Andrew) Ludgate in Ballyclough. To the Crofts family on the death of Christopher Crofts junior.
There will be no H.C. in St. James on Wednesdays morning for July/August
Sunday 24th July Concert in St Colman’s Church Farrahy at 6.30pm
Saturday 13th August Parish Fete in the Church Grounds
Sunday 11th September Elizabeth Bowen Commemoration 3.30pm St. Colman’s Church Farrahy
Sunday 25th September Mallow Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Sunday 9th October Castletownroche Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Sunday 16th October Doneraile Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Friday 9th December Christmas Concert in St. James’ Church, Mallow
3rd July (Trinity 6) Green
2 Kings 5: 1-14 Psalm 30 Galations 6: (1-6) 7-16 Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
10th July (Trinity 7) Green
Amos 7: 7-17 Psalm 82 Colossians 1: 1-14 Luke 10: 25-37
Castletownroche 10am Family Service
Doneraile 10am Family Service
Mallow 11.45am Family Service
17th July (Trinity 8) Green
Amos 8: 1-12 Psalm 52 Colossians 1: 15-28 Luke 10: 38-42
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
24th July (Trinity 9) Green
Hosea 1: 2-10 Psalm 85 Colossians 2: 6-15, (16-19) Luke 11: 1-13
Castletownroche 10am H.C.
Doneraile 10am M.P.
Mallow 11.45am M.P
31st July (Trinity 10) Green
Hosea 11: 1-11 Psalm 107: 1-9, 43 Colossians 3: 1-11 Luke 12: 13-21
United Service Castletownroche 11am
7th August (Trinity 11) Green
Isaiah 1: 1, 10-20 Psalm 50: 1-8, 23-24 Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16
Luke 12: 32-40
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
14th August (Trinity 12) Green
Isaiah 5: 1-7 Psalm 80: 1-2, 9-20 Hebrews 11: 29 – 12:2 Luke 12: 49-56
Castletownroche 10am Family Service
Doneraile 10am Family Service
Mallow 11.45am Family Service
21st August (Trinity 13) Green
Jeremiah 1: 4-10 Psalm 71: 1-6 Hebrews 12: 18-29 Luke 13: 10-17
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
28th August (Trinity 14) Green
Jeremiah 2: 4-13 Psalm 81: 1, 10-16 Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16
Luke 14: 1, 7-14
Castletownroche 10am H.C.
Doneraile 10am M.P.
Mallow 11.45am M.P
4th September (Trinity 15) Green
Jeremiah 18: 1-11 Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-18 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14: 25-33
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
If you have anything to put in the September magazine please give to Diana before the 14th August and for the September Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 31st August. Email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.