HARVEST THANKGIVING We had good celebrations at all three churches of the Union, drawing large congregations of parishioners and friends, including Christians of other churches. We are grateful for all those who gave their time and skill to decorate the churches, who donated produce and offered hospitality to those who came. We are grateful, too, to our visiting preachers: The Reverend Ted Ardis; The Reverend Elise Hanley; and The Reverend Peter Tarleton. We are especially grateful to those who contributed generously to the collections. In Castletownroche, the collection was donated to Christian Aid’s Gaza Appeal. The collection in Doneraile was sent to Christian Aid’s Liloma project (a partnership supported by the Diocese to work with families displaced from their homes and communities to make way for palm oil plantations run by a multinational palm oil company). In Mallow, the collection went to YANA (You Are Not Alone) a North Cork-based support group for those living with domestic abuse and gender-based violence. It was a practical response to last year’s All-Ireland Mothers’ Union’s 16-Day Campaign against gender-based violence and attracted considerable positive interest from the local media.
CELEBRATING THOMAS DAVIS We had an enjoyable evening in early October when we welcomed to St James’s Church, Mallow, large numbers of students, staff, parents and many other friends and supporters of our three secondary schools in the town: Davis College, St Mary’s Secondary School and the Patrician Academy. This is the first time in the history of the three schools that they have come together in this way and we are delighted as a parish to have been able to facilitate this partnership. Working together, they presented a lively and imaginative evening of words and music to celebrate the life and influence of The Patriot, who was baptised in the former church of St Anne, in the grounds of St James’s. It was good to celebrate our shared heritage with so many people from the town and surrounding communities, as we reflected on Thomas Davis’s commitment to an inclusive Ireland, superbly expressed by the gifts and skills of all who took part.
OPENING OF NEW SCHOOL BUILDING The Rector was delighted to join clergy colleagues from other Christian churches, along with other public representatives, for the opening of the rebuilt Patrician Academy in Mallow. The new school, rebuilt after a serious fire in 2016, was formally opened by Norma Foley TD, Minister for Education; and blessed by Dr William Crean, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Cloyne. The school’s Principal, Elaine O’Regan, paid tribute to the boys at the school who had excelled in every way despite the dire conditions they have had to endure during the rebuilding. Her reminder that ‘there is no future in a rear-view mirror’ was appreciated by many who were present!
DONERAILE BELLRINGERS past and present, enjoy their Service of Rededication in the company of the Bishop.

ALL SAINTS’ & ALL SOULS’ We will celebrate our belonging to the communion of saints at Sunday worship in all three churches of the Union on Sunday 3rd November as we celebrate All Saints’ Day. On the following Sunday, 10th November, there will be morning services in Castletownroche and Doneraile, during which those who have died in the world’s conflicts will be remembered. In the afternoon, at 4.00pm, there will be the annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving in St James’s Church, Mallow, where our departed loved ones will be remembered, and to which the recently bereaved are especially invited. During this year of bicentennial celebrations at St James’s Church, there will be a particular commemoration of past worshippers. This is proving to be a popular and much-appreciated service, where words and music provide a framework for a celebration of our Easter faith.
MOTHERS’ UNION The Mallow Union branch of the MU, under the leadership of Ruth Sherlock, is organising several meetings over the autumn. On Saturday 2nd November there will be a ‘Mums in May’ Fundraiser in the Parish Hall in Mallow and a ‘Christmas Dinner’ on 26th November. From 8th to 10th November, there is an invitation to join members from across the Diocese for a weekend exploring the theme of ‘Grow and Flourish’ at the Garryvoe Hotel, Castlemartyr.
CHRISTMAS CONCERTS The annual Christmas concerts at St James’s Church, Mallow will take place on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December at 8pm. They are a well-loved part of preparations for Christmas for people in Mallow and the surrounding communities. This year, a new team is organising the programme. Tickets are available from the Farmers’ Market on Fridays from 10am to 12.30pm; from Katie’s Newsagent, Main Street, Mallow; and by calling 085 178 8336 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
CONGRATULATIONS to George and Betty Buckley who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday 22nd September. Worshippers at St Mary’s, Castletownroche, were able to join in the family festivities following the celebration of the Eucharist, when the happy couple were cheered along with refreshments and a celebratory cake.
SUDDEN DEATH We were very sorry to receive the news of the death of Fr Robin Morrissey, the Roman Catholic parish priest of Castletownroach and Ballyhooley. Fr Robin died while visiting the UK and was held in great affection by his parishioners and by people in the wider community. A number of Church of Ireland parishioners, along with the Rector, attended the removal and Evening Prayer in Castletownroche.
HOSPITALITY & REFRESHMENT A reminder that our Community Café is in full swing during the Farmers’ Market in the grounds of St James’s Church, Mallow, every Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm. As well as great coffee and tea, you can sample St James’s Cake and other treats.
COMMUNITY GARDEN Throughout this year many people have given their time and energy to create a beautiful outdoor space around St James’s Church, Mallow. We are grateful for their enthusiasm and their horticultural skills in providing a place of welcome and enjoyment for many people. It was especially enjoyed by during the weekend of the harvest celebrations, when many people from the town came to enjoy “Jazz at St James’s” – our ‘thank you’ to the town for all its support during our bi-centennial year.
GIFT DAY We will hold a Gift Day throughout the Union on Sunday November 17th, to focus on the generosity of God and on our giving in response to God’s generosity. More regular attendance at worship and generous giving continue to feature highly on our list of priorities going into 2025.