HARVEST We are grateful to all who contributed so generously towards our Harvest collections in the three churches of the Union. YANA (You Are Not Alone), Christian Aid’s Appeals for Gaza and for Sierra Leone were all hugely grateful for our support. Thanks also to the three inspiring preachers!
ALL SOULSTIDE SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE On Sunday 10th November, a large congregation of people from far and wide came together for the annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving in St James’s Church, Mallow, where our departed loved ones were remembered, and to which the recently bereaved were especially invited. This is proving to be a popular and valued service, where the congregation has grown year-on-year. Words, music and silence, along with the opportunity to light candles, provides a framework for a celebration of our Easter faith and a container for peoples’ grief. In this bicentennial year at St James, former worshippers were remembered in our prayers.
CEMETERY PRAYERS The Rector, together with parishioners, joined with Fr Anthony Sheehan of St Mary’s Parish in Mallow to lead prayers in the cemetery at Temple Michael Church, Ballinamona, Mourneabbey on the Sunday following All Souls’ Day. Refreshments were served afterwards at the Railway Bar.
GIFT DAY On Sunday 17th November all three churches of the Union held a gift day, when we focused on the generosity of God and our own response to God’s generous love towards us. Regular worshippers were invited to bring an additional financial donation to enable our parishes to meet our financial target for 2024. We are grateful to all who give financially or by other means to the parish each year, ensuring that the parish can continue to develop its ministry and mission into the future.
MOTHERS’ UNION A good number of parishioners came together on November 26th for a (pre!) Christmas dinner at Corbett Court, Ballyhea. It was a most enjoyable occasion and we are very grateful to the organisers.
CHRISTMAS CONCERTS The annual Christmas concerts at St James’s Church, Mallow, which began over 20 years ago, during the incumbency of Canon Denis McCarthy, will take place on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December at 7.30pm. They are a well-loved part of preparations for Christmas for people in Mallow and the surrounding communities. This year, a new team is organising the programme. Tickets have sold quickly, but some may still be available from the Farmers’ Market on Fridays from 10.00am to 12.30pm; from Katie’s Newsagent, Main Street, Mallow; and by calling 085 178 8336 only between 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
TIDY TOWNS Mallow received lots of encouraging and positive feedback in the adjudication of its public spaces, with special mention made of the contribution of St James’s Community Garden to the townscape. Our thanks – and congratulations – to the volunteers who keep the garden looking fresh and inviting. It is also very good that the partnership with Cork Further Education & Training Board is continuing and students on the Introduction to Gardening Course are involved alongside our own volunteers.
CHRISTMAS WORSHIP There will be Carol Services in preparation for Christmas at the following times: St James’s Mallow, December 15th 7pm; St Mary’s Castletownroche, December 22nd 3pm; St Mary’s Doneraile, December 29th 3pm. On Christmas Eve (Tuesday 24th December) the First Eucharist of Christmas will be celebrated in St James’s, Mallow, at 8.00pm; and at St Mary’s, Doneraile at 11.15pm. On Christmas Morning (Wednesday 25th December) there will be festal celebrations of the Eucharist at St Mary’s, Castletownroche, at 9.45am and in St James’s, Mallow, at 11.30am
EPIPHANY the season of Epiphany will begin on Sunday 5th January. In addition to the usual morning services in Castletownroche and Doneraile, there will be a Christingle Celebration in St James’s, Mallow at 4.00pm which will be followed by suitably festive refreshments.
CONGRATULATIONS to parishioner, Mel O’Dea, whose book Ripples on the Lake is soon to bepublished by the Forest Press. Copies can be ordered through all good bookshops.
REMEMBERING BRYAN DEANE Bryan was a worshipper in this Union of parishes. Just over a year after he died in 2023, family, friends, neighbours and fellow parishioners gathered in Burnfort for the dedication of a plaque and bench in Bryan’s memory last month. Refreshments were served in the local school afterwards where Bryan’s family Val, Sarah, Rhys and Bobby enjoyed the support of the local community and contributed to some lively traditional music.

HOSPITALITY & REFRESHMENT A reminder that our Community Café is in full swing during the Farmers’ Market in the grounds of St James’s Church, Mallow, every Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm. As well as great coffee and tea, you can sample St James’s Cake and other treats.