Newsletter – September 2018

Mallow Union Newsletter
St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche

September 2018
Rector: Canon Eithne Lynch
022/21473 or 086/2535002
Facebook: Mallow Union of Parishes
Twitter: @MallowUnion
Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267

Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477

We wish everyone well as they start the new term in schools, colleges and work for the first time.

Welcome back to the Autumn season hope everyone had a good summer. On 30th June we held our Mum’s in May Strawberry Tea Party in St. James’ Hall, Mallow which was decorated for the event. Thanks to Hazel Sherlock for making the aprons for use on the day. Also everyone who baked and helped to make the day such a success. It was great to see people from the parish and members from other branches come and support on the day which made it a very social event. This was a triennial fundraiser and all proceeds from the tea party will go towards MU projects.
On July 7th we held our tour. We started the day with morning coffee in St. James’ Hall. After coffee we left by bus towards East Cork. Our first stop was Ballymaloe Gardens where we had a guided tour of the lovely gardens in brilliant sunshine. I think the highlight was to see the shell cottage – well worth a visit. Then onto Shanagarry Kilkenny Shop for lunch. After lunch we went onto Youghal. Some of the group went for a visit to St. Mary’s Collegiate Church which is a very interesting building. Thanks to Lydia and Don Mossop for being there to greet us and give us tea/coffee. Also to the people who helped with transport to the church. Then we had some free time to explore the town again. We were blessed with seeing the lovely seaside town at its best. To finish the day we had our meal in the Walter Raleigh Hotel where we enjoyed a lovely meal and chat. Thanks to everyone who made the day a success.
Our Opening service will be held on Wednesday 26th September at 8pm in St. James’ Church followed by a planning meeting. All ideas for meetings or speakers would be most welcome.  All welcome to attend the service.


Thanks to all who donated to the RNLI in all the three churches on Sunday 15th July.

Concert in St. Mary’s Doneraile

A concert was held in St. Mary’s Doneraile on Thursday 19th July at 8pm. Lux Musicae (London) preformed.

29th July – American Tea Party Picnic:
Following the United Parish Service in St. Mary’s Church Doneraile on Sunday 29th July we had an American Tea Party Picnic. Thanks to all those hosts of the tables for supplying a wonderful meal and to all who came to the service and stayed for the picnic. This was a delightful day and the weather just about held off for us. This was a fund raiser for the parish and €1200 was raised by this event.

Mallow Arts Festival: We were delighted to have St James church used again as one of the venues for Concerts during the festival this year. It was also one of the buildings included in the Walking Tour of the historical sites of Mallow.

Parish Fete
The parish fete was held on Saturday 11th August on the grounds of St. James’ Church Mallow.  Thanks to all who came and helped before, during and after the day. Thanks to the committee for all their organising and making the day run smoothly. It was a great success with over €7,000 made. Thanks to all who donated items for the two hampers for the 2nd and 3rd prize and to everyone for their donations for other prizes or to the fete in general. The weather just about held off and it was a very enjoyable day for both young and old. There is a list of raffle prize winners in the back of each church.

St. James’ Church
A big massive thank you to all the members of St. James’ Church who helped chip off the paint that was peeling from the walls of the tower and gallery in the church. We had 14 members of the congregation help in removing the paint from the walls over a three week period. Some helped one occasion and others came back many times for further punishment. Thanks to each and everyone of you. We declare that you are all now life members of the “chippers club” and are holders of the “golden scrappers” award. Thanks again for all your help and support.

Please keep November 2nd free for the first of a winter series of concerts
for St. James’ Church Mallow.
There will be an international tenor from Miami,
Gerardo Jose Ortega performing as well as a number of other performers.

Congratulations to Margo and Kevin Keane on becoming grandparents. Their daughter Lisa had a baby girl and they are calling her Aoife Frances. Frances after her great granny, Frances Bolster.

Congratulations also to Nell O’Connell and Richard Day who were married in St Mary’s Church, Doneraile on 29th June. And best wishes as well to Mervyn Shorten and Katy Moylan who were married in St James’ on 25th August.


We extend our sympathy to Emily de Montfort and family on the death of her father recently. Sympathy also to Caroline Lyons whose father has passed away. May they rest in peace.

St Mary’s Church Doneraile stayed open every Sunday afternoon all through the summer months. This would not have been possible without the commitment of so many volunteers who gave up their time to offer approximately 30 visitors an opportunity to see this wonderful church. Thank you to all those who invigilated.
As part of Culture night, St Mary’s will host a pop-up gallery. It will run from Friday evening 21st of September when there will be an official opening at 7.30p.m to 9.30p.m and Saturday from 12 -4 p.m.

If anyone wishes to submit a piece of work, painting drawing photography please feel free, But the work will need to be framed to facilitate hanging. Please drop work to the Church on Sunday the 16th of September at 4 p.m. maximum amount of work will be three pieces, however, depending on space this number may need to be reduced. Please include name title of work and contact details.  If you require any more information please contact Mary St Leger on 022 72785.

Kingston College Harvest weekend: Harvest Thanksgiving:
Friday 28th September 7.30pm Preacher Revd. Walter Hill.
Saturday 29th September 2.00 – 4.30pm Chapel open for viewing andTea/Coffee.
Sunday 30th September 11.30 am Harvest Hymns and readings.
Theme for weekend. “Glory to God in highest heaven; let all creation sing his praise.”

Cork Autism Conference 2018 – Re-Thinking Autism – A Positive and Integrative Approach, sunday September 30th,  Rochestown Park Hotel, Douglas Cork. Open to Parents, Families, Caregivers, Adults with ASD, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism and aspergers syndrome. More info on: or call 089 239 8900 
Northridge House, at St Luke’s Charity Mahon, are running a 12 week programme for those wishing to become Professional Carers to the Older Adult. This programme includes QQI modules and other  Mandatory Training and is free to those on Social Welfare Benefits. Places are strictly limited The programme begins on 27th September with interviews on 13th September. Call Claire at 021.4536551 or further details


There will be H.C. in St. James’, Mallow on Wednesday mornings 11am
Wednesday 5th September Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
Thursday 6th September Select Vestry meeting St. James’ Hall Mallow
Sunday 16th September Knockmourne Harvest Service 3pm
Sunday 16th September Elizabeth Bowen Commemoration Service Farahy 3.30
Preacher Most Revd Richard Clarke
Archbishop of Armagh & Primate of all Ireland
Sunday 16th September Ecumenical Service Mercy Centre Charleville 7.30pm
Friday 21st September Culture Night St. Mary’s Doneraile 7pm
Sunday 23rd September Mallow Harvest Service 3pm
Sunday 23rd September Ballyhooly Harvest Service 3pm
Wednesday 26th September MU Opening Service St. James Church Mallow 8pm
followed by short meeting
Friday 28th September Kingston College Harvest Service 7.30pm
Sunday 30th September Glenville Harvest Service 3pm

Sunday 7th October Fermoy Harvest Service 3pm
Sunday 14th October Doneraile Harvest Service 3pm
Sunday 21st October Castletownroche Harvest Service 3pm
Friday 2nd November Concert in St. James’ Church Mallow


2nd September (14th Sunday after Trinity) Green
Song of Solomon 2: 8-13 Psalm 45: 1-2, 6-9 James 1: 17-27 Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.

9th September (15th Sunday after Trinity) Green
Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Psalm 125 James 2: 1-10 (11-13) 14-17 Mark 7: 24-37
Castletownroche 10am Family Service
Doneraile 10am Family Service
Mallow 11.45am Family Service

16th September (16th Sunday after Trinity) Green
Proverbs 1: 20-33 Psalm 19 James 3: 1-12 Mark 8: 27-38
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.

23rd September (17th Sunday after Trinity) Green
Proverbs 31: 10-31 Psalm 1 James 3: 13- 4:3,7,8a Mark 9: 30-37
Castletownroche 10am H.C.
Doneraile 10am M.P.
Mallow 3pm Harvest Service

30th September (18th Sunday after Trinity) Green
Esther 7: 1-6, 9-10 9: 20-22 Psalm 124 James 5: 13-20 Mark 9: 39-50
United Service Castletownroche 11am

7 th October (19th Sunday after Trinity) Green
Job 1: 1; 2:1-10 Psalm 26 Hebrews 1: 1-4: 2:5-12 Mark 10: 2-16
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
If you have anything to put in the October magazine please give to Diana before Friday 14th September and for the October Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 3rd October.  email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.

The Month Ahead Pray with us