The monthly newsletter will let you know everything that has been happening and will be taking place in the parish.
Click here to see the monthly newsletter (PDF file)
Rev Denis MacCarthy’s Diocesan Notes
September ushered in the start of our Harvest Festivals, the first of which was held in St Mary’s Castletownroche on Sunday the 26th Sept, our preacher on the day was the Very Rev. Fr Pat Scanlon Parish Priest of Castletownroche, though is was Fr. Pats first visit to our church, earlier in the year he gave a talk and led a reflection for those partaking in our Alpha Course retreat day in the Nano Nagle centre. We would like to thank him for the words of inspiration he shared with us. St James Mallow will host the Harvest Festival at 3.00pm on Sunday 3rd October when the preacher will be Revd. Adrian Wilkinson, Rector of Douglas and Frankfield. Doneraile will play host to the Harvest Festival on Sunday 10th of August, when we will be joined by the Choir of the local Catholic Church and our preacher on that day will be Rev. David Armstrong, Rector of Carrigaline Union.
The annual Buttevant Memorial Service was held on Wednesday the 22nd September, I would like to thank Bertie Daly and the friends of St Johns Buttevant for all the work they put into get the Church ready for it and also to Eamon Winters for playing the organ. Again this year we had a good turn out.
We would like to congratulate Gladys Sherlock of Kanturk, who this year was chosen as a “Rosebud” to accompany the Dublin Rose at this years Rose of Tralee Festival.
We would also like to extend our congratulations to Aoife Ladd of Castletownroche who represented the Avondhu area in the Miss Macra competition held in Tipperary.
Congratulations to Vivian Wharton on the birth of her granddaughter Ciara, a daughter to Charlotte and John Nagle who now live in France.
Mystery still surrounds the identity of the senior “Cork Cleric” who allegedly was reported to have been holding Revivalist Meetings in his tent along the south east coast this summer. Any further information can be sent to the Dean.
Bible Club will be starting up again on Saturday 2nd October in St James` Hall at 11.30am.
Annual Thomas Davis, Ecumenical Service will be held in St James` Church Mallow on Friday 15th October at 8.00pm all welcome.
Harvest Dates.
Sunday 3rd October 3.00pm, St James Church Mallow. Preacher Revd. Adrian Wilkinson Rector Douglas Union with Frankfield.
Sunday 10th October 3.00pm St Mary’s Church Doneraile. Preacher Revd. The Rev’d David Armstrong Rector Carrigaline Union.
Normal Weekday Services in St James Church Mallow
Morning Prayer 9.30am, Monday, Thursday & Friday.
The Eucharist :Wednesday 11.00 am.
First Wednesday of the month Celebration of Wholeness & Healing, 11.00am
Sunday Services
Castletownroche 9.00am
Doneraile 10.30am
Mallow 12 noon.