Monthly notes September 2024

ST JAMES’S MALLOW 2024 CELEBRATIONS We enjoyed welcoming people in such large numbers to celebrate 200 years since the consecration of St James’s Church at the end of July. Even on Sunday 22nd July, when Cork were playing Clare in the All-Ireland Hurling final in Croke Park, large numbers of parishioners, civic and community representatives, along with friends from the wider communities we serve, gathered with the Bishop to celebrate the Eucharist. During the course of the service, our younger parishioners invited the Bishop to lead us in the renewal of baptismal vows, and to rededicate the lectern, pulpit and altar that are the focus for every celebration of word and sacrament. We were glad to welcome clergy colleagues from other parts of the Diocese, along with two former incumbents. After the service, the Bishop was piped to the newly created Community Garden by members of the Thomas Davis Pipe Band, where he planted a tree to mark both the bicentenary of the church and his own consecration as a Bishop 25 years previously. Afterwards, the Bishop cut a celebration cake and people enjoyed meeting one another over refreshments. 

ST JAMES’S DAY 2024 On Thursday 25th July, the actual date of the 200th anniversary of the consecration of St James’s Church, there was a celebration with an ecumenical emphasis, as a large congregation gathered for Evening Prayer. It was especially good to welcome friends from Catholic, Methodist and Syrian Orthodox churches, along with parishioners and friends from the wider community. Fr Andrew Carvill, from St Mary’s Parish in Mallow read a lesson. The prayers were led by our parishioner Kathleen Foott, Sr Martina of the Convent of Mercy in Charleville, Fr Bijoy the Syrian Orthodox Priest and a member of Adare/Ballingrane Methodist Circuit. We were also joined by clergy colleagues, including Canon Sean Cotter, a Catholic priest from Charleville, celebrating his Diamond Jubilee of Ordination to the priesthood this year. Again, everyone gathered for generous refreshments afterwards to continue the celebrations.

BICENTENNIAL QUILT One of several projects to mark the bicentenary of St James’s church, Mallow, has been the creation of a huge quilt which now hangs on the South wall of the church. It is the outcome of much skilful imagination and hours of hard work. Working on it has helped to bring together many different people, and to forge new friendships. It was dedicated during the Eucharist on Sunday 28th July. The Rector noted that the quilt was symbolic of the gifts and skills that many more people now bring to the life of St James’s Church, how an open and welcoming spirit in the congregation is now making possible all kinds of opportunities, by looking forwards and outwards, and by a willingness to form partnerships and friendships with the wider community.

SUMMER FÊTE The Union’s annual Fête took place in early August, when we welcomed large numbers of parishioners and friends from the wider community to the grounds of St James’s Church. Along with the usual stalls, a barbecue lunch and other refreshments during the day, we were pleased to be joined by friends from the Mallow Arts Collective who provided music and entertainment during the fête. We are grateful to everyone who gave their time and energy to prepare for it, to help it run like clockwork on the day – and to join in the great clear-up afterwards.

BAPTISM We were delighted to welcome Saoirse Margot Stephanie Berkley and her father, Mathew Berkley, supported by family and friends, as they both became members of the worldwide Church through baptism during the Eucharist on Sunday 11th August.

COMMUNITY GARDEN The garden, in the grounds of St James’s Church, Mallow, is another imaginative initiative that has developed as part of the bicentennial celebrations, making the church grounds more open and welcoming to the wider town. Large numbers of volunteers are involved, including parishioners and other friends. A partnership with the Mallow campus of the Cork Education & Training Board has involved horticultural students who continue to enjoy working in the garden. It has not only transformed the surroundings of the church into a beautiful space, but is offering opportunities for people from the wider community to get involved and use their gardening skills and interests. We are hopeful that the garden can be enjoyed by anyone as a place to relax, to sit and have lunch on a fine day, perhaps, or to simply step aside from the stresses of life.

DEDICATION OF THE BELLS The restored peal of bells at St Mary’s, Doneraile, will be rededicated by the Bishop at a Service of Thanksgiving on Sunday 15th September at 3.00pm. All are very welcome to join us.

HARVEST CELEBRATIONS in the Union begin at St James’s, Mallow, on Sunday 22nd September at 4.00pm. It coincides with other events that are taking place around the Church including Culture Night. Subsequent Harvest celebrations will take place in St Mary’s, Castletownroche on Sunday 6th October at 3.30pm and in St Mary’s, Doneraile on Sunday 13th October, 3pm. All are very welcome to join us for worship and the refreshments that follow.

MICHAELMAS The feast of St Michael and All Angels falls on Sunday 29th September. This is the fifth Sunday of the month when, by longstanding tradition, there is only one act of worship in the Union. We will gather in St James’s, Mallow, for a festive celebration of the Eucharist at 11.00am, followed by refreshments. All are welcome.

THANKS to all who travelled to support the Tea Day/BBQ held at Mark and Diana Buckley’s home (Bridgetown, Castletownroche) on August 4th. €2,705 has been donated to Alzheimers Society, Ireland and Marymount Hospice, Cork. 

The Month Ahead Pray with us