World Day of Prayer
The international and interdenominational World Day of Prayer was celebrated in the parish on Friday 2nd March in St. Josephs Church. Hazelwood Two Pot House, Mallow at 8.30 pm. This years service was prepared by the women of Malaysia.
Mothers Union and Friends
Thanks to all who came and supported the Beetle Drive on Saturday 25th February a great night was had by all. A total of €176.00 was made for the MU overseas funds.
There is a Pampering Day in the Trident Hotel, Kinsale on the 24th March at 2pm. There are two options one costing €15 including tea/coffee, homemade biscuits and pampering sessions (2pm to 5.30pm) and option 2 €35 including tea/coffee, homemade biscuits, pampering sessions and 4 course meal (2pm -7.30pm). Please book before the 20th March as spaces are limited. You can get a booking form at the back of the church or contact Ruth Sherlock for a form. Lady Day this year is falling on the Sunday 25th March so we will include prayers for this in our normal Sunday morning services.
Lent Services
The Services are continuing each week on Wednesday at 11am in Mallow and alternating between Doneraile and Castletownroche at 8pm on Wednesday nights.
Youth Club
The Youth Club are going to Cork this month for one of their meetings on Saturday 10th March for the CDYC Quiz . For more information on this please contact Aoife Ladd.
American Tea Party
An American Tea Party will take place in Mallow Hall on March 16th at 8pm in Aid of Mallow Maintenance. Tickets €10.00 available from: Canon Eithne or Richard Lynch 022 21473 or Ruth Sherlock 086 1588719. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Castletownroche Church
Work has been completed on securing the pinnacles in the tower of Castletownroche Church. There is more work to be completed on the tower yet and also around the front window of the church.
Register of Vestry Members
If you have not already completed a form to be a registered Vestry member please do so immediately and give to the rector or a select vestry member before tomorrow night Monday 5th March.
Mallow No.1 National School in Shortcastle is our parish school. The patron is Bishop Paul Colton and it is run under the Church of Ireland Ethos. If you know of anyone who would like to send their child to our school they might like to attend the Open Day on Friday March 10th at 1.30pm. Closing date for enrolments is March 31st. Enrolment forms are available from the secretary or principal. (Phone 022-21990).
At present there are 54 pupils in the school. There are three mainstream teachers and four other staff. As with many other small schools our government funding has been reduced. This leaves less resources for the extras we would like to provide for our children. Recently we were able to buy a computer from money raised from a clothes collection. There will be another clothes collection in April, so if you have any old clothes, shoes, curtains etc. pop them into a black sack and give them to the Rector who will pass them on. Old mobile phones are also very welcome for fundraising.
Weekday Services in St. James on Wednesdays at 11am
Monday 5th March – Select Vestry Meeting in St. James Hall 8pm
Wedneday 7th March – Lent Service Mallow 11am
Wednesday 7th March – Lent Service Doneraile at 8 pm
Saturday 10th March – Bible Club in St. James Hall Mallow 11.30am
Saturday 10th March – Childrens Choir Practise in St. James Church 12.30am
Saturday 10th March – CDYC Quiz in Cork
Wednesday 14th March – Lent Service in Mallow 11am
Wednesday 14th March – Lent Service in Castletownroche 8pm
Friday 16th March – American Tea Party in St. James Hall 8pm
Saturday 17th March – No Bible Club
Saturday 17th March – St. Patrick Day Service in St. James 12 noon
Sunday 18th March – Inter-church Service in Charleville 7. 30pm
Wednesday 21st March – Lent Service Mallow 11am
Wednesday 21st March – Lent Service Doneraile 8pm
Friday 23rd March – Youth Club in St. James Hall Mallow 8pm
Saturday 24th March – Bible Club in St. James Hall Mallow 11.30am
Saturday 24th March – Choir Practise in St. James Church Mallow 11.30am
Saturday 24th March – MU Pampering Day Trident Hotel Kinsale 2pm
Wednesday 28th March – Lent Service Mallow 11am
Wednesday 28th March – Lent Service Castletownroche 8pm
Saturday 31st March – Bible Club in St. James Hall Mallow 11.30am
Wednesday 4th April – Lent Service Mallow 11am
Wednesday 4th April – Lent Service Doneraile 8pm
Thursday 5th April – Maudy Thursday Service Castletownroche 8pm
Friday 6th April – Good Friday Childrens Service Mallow 12pm
Friday 6th April – Good Friday Service Mallow 8pm
Saturday 7th April – Easter Vigil 9pm Castletownroche
Sunday 8th April – Easter Day 10am Doneraile
Sunday 8th April – Easter Day 11.45am Mallow
Wednesday 18th April – Easter Vestry in St. James Hall Mallow 8pm
Saturday 11th August – Parish Fete on St. James Church Grounds
Friday 14th December – Christmas Concert in St. James Church Mallow
4th March (2nd Sunday of Lent)
Genesis 17: 1-7,15-16 Psalm 22: 23-31 Romans 4: 13-25 Mark 8: 31-38
Castletownroche 10am M. P.
Doneraile 10am H. C. and Holy Baptism
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
11th March (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Exodus 20: 1-17 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25 John 2: 13-22
Castletownroche 10am Family Service.
Doneraile 10am Family Service.
Mallow 11.45am Family Service and Holy Baptism
18th March (4th Sunday of Lent)
Numbers 21: 4-9 Psalm 107: 1-3,17-22 Ephesians 2: 1-10 John 3: 14-21
Castletownroche 10am M. P.
Doneraile 10am H. C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
25th March (5th Sunday of Lent)
Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Psalm 51: 1-13 or 119-9-16 Hebrews 5: 5-10 John 12: 20-33
Castletownroche 10am H.C.
Doneraile 10am M.P
Mallow 11.45am M.P
1st April (6th Sunday of Lent Palm Sunday)
Red or Violet
Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 31: 9-16 Philippians 2: 5-11 Mark 14: 1-15:47 or Mark 15: 1-39, (40-47)
Castletownroche 10am M. P.
Doneraile 10am H. C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.