Message from the Nano Nagle Centre
On behalf of all of us at the Nano Nagle Centre I would like to wish you a happy New Year. I sincerely hope that 2012 brings you peace joy and prosperity. Here at the centre we look forward to welcoming our customers, clients and many casual visitors to this tranquil site on the bank of the beautiful Blackwater river.
For many years now our conference centre has hosted a broad range of events and activities. From high powered knees ups to power down retreat days, from mucking around on the organic farm to seeking the spirit through yoga and meditation. We are grateful to be able to assist whatever the quest may be. We understand that funding for residential training courses is not as available as it has been in previous years we can tailor packages to suit your budget. We would like to thank you for your business over the years and we look forward to welcoming you back soon. Warm Regards Karen O’Shea, Centre Manager, Nano Nagle Centre, Tel:022 26411 Fax:022 26953
Youth Group
The youth group has started to meet again after quite a long break. They meet every second Friday in St. James Hall Mallow at 8pm. The next meeting is the 10th February. You are welcome to join this group if you are 12 years or over. Please contact the Rector or Aoife Ladd if you want more details.
Mothers Union and Friends
At our recent Mothers Union AGM Ruth Sherlock took over the position of Enrolling member from Diana Buckley and we wish her well in this new role. Other committee members are: Secretary – Vivian Wharton, Treasurer – Linda Deane, Prayer/Spirituality Rep – Susan Buckley, Faith & Policy Rep and Young Member – Diana Buckley, Marketing – Jean Gardiner.
Our next meeting is the Beetle Drive on Saturday 25th February in St. James Hall Mallow at 8pm all welcome. This is for all ages and if you don’t know what a Beetle Drive is please ask some of the committee members. There is a Pampering Day in the Trident Hotel, Kinsale on the 24th March at 2pm. Spaces are limited so please contact Jennifer Kingston 086/3236641 to book you place.
World Day of Prayer
The international and interdenominational World Day of Prayer will be celebrated in the parish on Friday 2nd March in St. Josephs Church. Hazelwood Two Pot House, Mallow at 8.30 pm. This year’s service has been prepared by the women of Malaysia and the theme is “Let Justice Prevail”. A bible study/ preparation meeting will take place in St. Mary’s Church, Doneraile on Thursday, 16th February at 8 pm and anyone who would like to be involved is welcome. Meanwhile please remember the event in your prayers and come along on Friday 2nd March if you possibly can.
Register of Vestry members
The register of vestry members has to be update annually. At our next Vestry meeting on the 5th March 2012 we will be updating this. If you are not on the list, or not sure if you are on the list please talk to the Rector or Churchwardens and they will give you a form for completion. You need to be on the register to have a vote to elect those who you wish to have on the Select Vestry for the coming year.
St. Luke’s Home Education Centre
On Saturday 25th February we host a Morning Workshop on Mindfulness – a method of self care and relaxation that is increasingly popular and valued. It will be geared to helping people find simple ways of addressing the various challenges and stresses we may face in our busy lives. On the same day we are offering a full day’s workshop for those who care for their elderly loved ones at home. Entitled Caring in the Home family members will have an opportunity to explore with various professionals how to create a safe environment in the home, how to self care, to modify the home or caring practices and other relevant areas. On Thursday 1st March and running for 4 evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm we host How to Listen – An introduction. The courses offers insights into how we may enhance our listening skills in a more active and beneficial way. It also explores the obstacles to communication in our daily lives. On Tuesday 13th March and running for 6 Tuesday evenings we have a course titled Addressing Loss in all its Forms – An Introduction running from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Full details on these and all our courses may be found online or by contacting the Centre on 021/4536551.
Congratulations to Clare and Leslie Good on the birth of their son Kieran, a brother to Heidi.
We express our sympathy to Charlotte Kitto on the death of her Grandmother in Warwick in late December/early January. To Jane Wharton on the death of her uncle William Whiteford in Durrow Co. Laois, to Myrtle Forde on the death of her aunt Kathleen Shire in Limerick and to Shirley Wolfe on the death of her cousin George Locke in Farran. We think of all the above and there families at this difficult time.
Weekday Services in St. James on Wednesdays at 11am
Thursday 9th February – Castletownroche Maintenance Committee 8pm
Friday 10th February – Youth Club in St. James Hall 8pm
Saturday 11th February – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am
Saturday 11th February – Choir Practise in St. James Church 11.30am
Thursday 16th February – Bible study/preparation for World Day of prayer service in St. Mary’s Church Doneraile 8pm
Saturday 18th February – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am
Saturday 18th February – Choir Practise in St. James Church 11.30am
Sunday 19th February – Inter-church Service in Charleville 7.30pm
Wednesday 22nd February – Ash Wednesday Service Doneraile 8pm
Saturday 25th February – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am
Wednesday 29th February – Lent Service in Castletownroche 8pm
Friday 2nd March – World Day of Prayer in St. Josephs Church. Hazelwood, Twopot House 8.30 pm
Saturday 3rd March – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am
Monday 5th March – Select Vestry Meeting in St. James Hall 8pm
Wednesday 18th April – Easter Vestry in St. James Hall Mallow 8pm
Saturday 11th August – Parish Fete on St. James Church Grounds
Friday 14th December – Christmas Concert in St. James Church Mallow
5th February (3rd Sunday before Lent) Green
Isaiah 40: 20-31 Psalm 147: 1-12, 21c 1 Corinthians 9: 16-23 Mark 1: 29-39
Castletownroche 10am M. P.
Doneraile 10am H. C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
12th February (2nd Sunday before Lent) Green
Proverbs 8: 1, 22-31 Psalm 104: 26-37 Colossians 1: 15-20 John 1: 1-14
Castletownroche 10am Family Service.
Doneraile 10am Family Service.
Mallow 11.45am Family Service.
19th February (1st Sunday before Lent) Green
2 Kings 2: 1-12 Psalm 50: 1-6 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6 Mark 9: 2-9
Castletownroche 10am M. P.
Doneraile 10am H. C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
26th February (1st Sunday of Lent) Violet
Genesis 9: 8-17 Psalm 25: 1-9 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Mark 1: 9-15
Castletownroche 10am H.C.
Doneraile 10am M.P
Mallow 11.45am M.P
4th March (2nd Sunday of Lent) Violet
Genesis 17: 1-7,15-16 Psalm 22: 23-31 Romans 4: 13-25 Mark 8: 31-38
Castletownroche 10am M. P.
Doneraile 10am H. C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.
If you have something to be included in the March Diocesan Magazine please give to Diana before the 14th February and if you have anything to put in the March Newsletter please email to Diana before Wednesday 29th February.