Newsletter – November 2017

Mallow Union Newsletter

St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche

November 2017


Rector: Canon Eithne Lynch

022/21473 or 086/2535002



Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267

Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477

The first of our Harvest Thanksgiving services was in Mallow on the 24th September when the speaker was Rev. Kingsley Sutton. The next was in Castletownroche on Sunday 8th October. The preacher there was Rev. Sarah Marry and the collection was for Bishops Appeal. The final one was in Doneraile on Sunday 15th October . Preacher this time was Rev. Daniel Nuzum and the collection was for Christian Aid. Thanks to all the preachers for travelling to be with us and giving us a special message; to all who helped decorate the churches, provided the music and took part in the services. And a special thank you to all those who provided the tea in all of the three churches and to each and everyone who attended the services.

Mothers Union

If you are interested please let Ruth Sherlock (086/1588719) know by Sunday 27th November.  The next meeting will be Wednesday 15th November. We will have a Christmas theme on the night. Valerie Gardiner has kindly accepted a request to show us some ideas for cake decorations. Also we will have some other Christmas Ideas. We will collect membership money on the night as our Treasurer will send away the money all together to make it easier for everyone. Thank you.

Baptism: Timmy and Ella Dennehy, children of Manuela Guljajew and John Dennehy were baptised on Sunday 15th October. It was a delight to welcome them and all in their party into the church that day.

Wedding: Saturday 14th October was the wedding day of Fiona McKay and Steve Ryan.  Their Vicar, the Revd. Giles Fouhy, curate of Hackney West in London came to assist at the wedding, which was held in St. Mary’s Church, Castletownroche. Steve is Irish, living in London now, and Giles’ grandparents were for Cork.

Concert in St. James’ Church

The Concert which was to be held on October 20th Concert in St. James’ Church Mallow was cancelled, unfortunately, due to the weather. It will be rescheduled in the new year.

St. John’s Christmas Bazaar will be held on Sunday 26th November at 3pm in Buttevant.

Vestry notes from meeting 19th October 2017
Matters Arising – Five members of the vestry went to the meeting in Charleville about the charity legislation . There is plenty help available if needed. The parish accounts need to be checked and no need to audit at the end of each year.  Canon Eithne thanked all involved in the harvest services and to the preachers for coming. In fact Canon Eithne trained with two of our preachers.
Correspondence -A safeguarding trust form was received for completion.
A thank you card from the Guide Dogs was received for the use of the church carpark in Doneraile during a recent fundraiser.
Dromtarriff – Agreed that kerbing fine to mark land being transferred.
A letter from Bishop’s Appeal Church Ministry fund was received.
Finances – Jackie presented the accounts to us and we are in a similar position to last year. We have the last quarter of our Fair Share to pay by the end of November.
Rectory – Garage roof leaking and Richard will put on goo stuff to sort this when it is dry.
Hall container roof has been done and there are no drips inside now.
St. James Church, Mallow – Rail to Gallery to be sorted before Christmas if possible. Seat covers have been got for church costing around €800 but they are inclining to fall off. There is a small bit of a chestnut tree down after storm and 1 broken slate that is visible.
St. Mary’s Church Castletownroche – There will be no service there next Sunday. There is a tree down inside the gate. Some contractor is to be got to cut this tree and check to see if other trees are safe. It must be checked to see if insurance will cover. At a recent maintenance meeting is was decided to look at rewiring the church. The bat problem seems to have been sorted.
St. Mary’s Church, Doneraile – There is 1 tree down and a few more to be looked at. Chutes are still to be cleaned waiting for Drombrook to come.
Renewal Group – Nothing to report.
Safeguarding Trust – The form was completed and signed. Another person has now completed the safeguarding trust training.
Health and Safety -There are a lot of glass bottles around the grounds of St. James Church but Victor is monitoring the situation. Trees around each of the churches.
Lackeel graveyard – Insured by parish and Kilbrin have said they have own insurance.

Dates for Carol Services and Christmas services as follows:

Sunday 10th December Mallow 7.30pm
Sunday 17th December Castletownroche 3pm (Cork Simon)

Sunday24th December Castletownroche 10am
Sunday 24th December Mallow 8pm
Sunday 24th December Doneraile 11.30pm
Monday 25th December Castletownroche 10am
Monday 25th December Mallow 11.45am
Sunday 31st December Doneraile United Carol Service3pm (Christian Aid)
Children’s Christmas Party was discussed but a date was not decided.
AOB – Permission was given for the use of the hall on the 11th November for a Chernoboly Fundraiser.
Rural Dean is coming to do the inspections on the 24th October.
Jigsaw Club Mallow and Doneraile on this Sunday.
Canon Eithne will probably do the service in Doneraile this Sunday.
The bus for the Reformation 500 Service in Cork on Sunday is leaving Mallow at 2.30pm and will cost €10 each.
The price of the tickets for the concert on the 8th December was questioned as to whether it should be increased. It was decided to leave them at €15.00 at moment and when the meeting after Christmas is arranged to discuss it then.
The Concert on the 20th October was cancelled and will be rescheduled in the new year when it suits the choir.
Doneraile Concert will be the 1st or 2nd Friday in February.
The meeting closed and the next meeting arranged for the 18th January 2018.


There will be H.C. or M.P. in St. James’, Mallow on Wednesday mornings 11am

Wednesday 1st November Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
Wednesday 8th November Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
Saturday 11th November MU council meeting Northridge House Cork
Wednesday 15th November Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
Wednesday 15th November MU meeting – Christmas Theme at 8pm
Thursday 16th November Concert Committee meeting – Hall 3pm
Sunday 19th November Ecumenical Service Mercy Centre Charleville 7.30pm
Wednesday 22nd November Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
Sunday 26th November Buttevant Bazaar 3pm
Wednesday 29th November MU Meal Wild Goose Steak House 8pm


Wednesday 6th December Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
Friday 8th December Christmas Concert in St. James’ Church, Mallow
Sunday 10th December Mallow 7.30pm
Sunday 17th December Castletownroche 3pm Cork Simon
Sunday 24th December Castletownroche 10am
Sunday 24th December Mallow 8pm
Sunday 24th December Doneraile 11.30pm
Monday 25th December Castletownroche 10am
Monday 25th December Mallow 11.45am
Sunday 31st December Doneraile United Carol Service 3pm Christian Aid


5th November (4th Before Advent) Green

Joshua 3: 7-17 Psalm 107: 1-7, 33-37 1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13 Matthew 23: 1-12

Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.

12th November (3rd Before Advent) Green

Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78: 1-7 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Matthew 25: 1-13
Castletownroche 10am Family Service
Doneraile 10am Family Service
Mallow 11.45am Family Service

19th November (2nd Before Advent) Green

Judges 4: 1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Matthew 25: 14-30
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.

26th November (Kingship of Christ) Green

Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1: 15-23 Matthew 25: 31-46
Castletownroche 10am H.C.
Doneraile 10am M.P.
Mallow 11.45am M.P.

3rd December (1st Sunday of Advent) Violet

Isaiah 64: 1-9 Psalm 80, 1-8, 18-20 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 Mark 13: 24-37
Castletownroche 10am M.P.
Doneraile 10am H.C.
Mallow 11.45am H.C.


If you have anything to put in the December magazine please give to Diana before
Tuesday 14th November and for the December Newsletter please give to Diana
before Wednesday 29th November. Email: or mobile
086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.


The Month Ahead Pray with us