Monthly Notes February 2025

CHRISTMAS & EPIPHANY WORSHIP We were delighted to welcome increased numbers of worshippers over the Christmas and Epiphany period to all three of our churches at Mallow, Castletownroche and Doneraile. It can prove frustrating when the number of printed service booklets (based on the previous year’s attendance) proves to be an inadequate estimate of how many will be needed; but also, deeply gratifying when we realise that larger numbers of people are being attracted by worship and the warmth of welcome. We hope this is just one outcome of adopting a more outward-focussed approach and by greater involvement in the wider life of our local communities. Due to the heavy snowfalls and persistent freezing temperatures at the beginning of January, the Magi arrived a week late into Mallow! Our Christingle Celebration on the feast of the Epiphany had to be postponed until the thaw began a week later. Nonetheless, we celebrated with great festivity and festive refreshments were served afterwards. We will conclude the Christmas and Epiphany season by celebrating the feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple on Sunday 2nd February.

During our three Carol Services, over 3000 euros was raised for three charities: St Vincent de Paul, Christian Aid (South Sudan appeal) and Cork Simon. We were very grateful for the wonderful generosity shown in this way.

OPENING THE GATES Just before Christmas, there was a serious fire in the underground car park of Dunnes Stores in Mallow, which significantly reduced the available parking spaces for people doing their Christmas shopping in the town (and the consequent impact on local businesses). Following a request from one of our newly-elected TDs, Eoghan Kenny, the Rector and Churchwardens immediately made the grounds of St James’s Church available for overflow parking from the adjacent public car park. One of the outcomes is that it became obvious that the gates of the church could be left open more often, and for longer, throughout each day, to allow people to enjoy the community garden and explore the grounds of the former St Anne’s Church. This has certainly had a positive impact across the town.

BELLRINGERS’ SUPPER St Mary’s church, Doneraile, was filled with the aromas of beautifully prepared food on the Saturday before Christmas as bellringers invited friends, family and other parishioners from St Mary’s Doneraile to enjoy a supper, followed by a beetle drive and Christmas carols in church. It was a good occasion, and we are grateful to those who prepared the food and, after supper, cleared up and prepared the church for worship the following morning.

Also, at the supper, we were informed that Ian Wharton was now to be Tower Captain for the Doneraile Bellringers. We wish him every blessing as he takes up this role.

WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY The open ecumenical group, comprising Anglicans, Methodists, Roman Catholics and Christians of other traditions, that meets in the Convent of Mercy in Charleville on the last Sunday evening of each month, marked the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Rector led Night Prayer and gave a reflection on some of the themes emerging from this year’s material focusing on the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, prepared by the ecumenical community at Bose in Italy. Afterwards, we enjoyed refreshments and conversation.

LOOKING TO LENT Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, falls on Wednesday 5th March (reflecting a late Easter this year). There will be celebrations of the Eucharist, with the imposition of ashes, hymns and an address in St James’s, Mallow, at 11.00am and in St Mary’s, Castletownroche, at 8.00pm on this day.

SUNDAY CLUB is the club for activities for our younger worshippers at St James’s, Mallow, on Sunday mornings. They gather in the Parish Hall, adjacent to the church, at 11.45am each Sunday and rejoin their families in church about an hour later, giving them an opportunity to share their morning’s activities with the rest of the congregation. It allows them to explore the weekly readings from the scriptures and make connections through craft activities, storytelling and in many other ways. We are grateful to all who help with this ministry, especially those who provided a Christmas workshop on the afternoon of Sunday, December 15th. 

HOSPITALITY & REFRESHMENT A reminder that our Community Café continues to welcome regulars and newcomers during the Farmers’ Market in the grounds of St James’s Church, Mallow, every Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm. As well as great coffee and tea, you can sample St James’s Cake and other treats

The Month Ahead Pray with us