WHEN CHRISTMAS MEETS EASTER We concluded our Christmas celebrations on the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord (Candlemas) on Sunday 28th January, which is one of the oldest Christian festivals. On that day, the Eucharist at St James’s, Mallow, included the traditional ceremonies at the conclusion of the service, as we marked this turning point in the year when (in the words of the late Elizabeth Cosnett’s hymn in the Church Hymnal) ‘Christmas meets Easter on Candlemas Day.’

ST BRIGID’S CROSSES over the St Brigid’s holiday weekend, workshops were held in the Parish Hall where people learned how to make St Brigid’s crosses. We are grateful to Jennifer and Grace Hartnett and the team who gave their time to encourage those who took part – including some of our younger worshippers. Many parishioners were delighted to receive the crosses at worship in our three churches on the Sunday following St Brigid’s day.
ASH WEDNESDAY The beginning of the season of Lent fell, this year, on Wednesday 14th February. There were celebrations of the Eucharist (with hymns) and the traditional imposition of ashes in St James’s Church, Mallow; and in St Mary’s Church, Castletownroche, at which the Bishop presided and preached. This occasion was part of the celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the Bishop’s consecration.
ECUMENICAL WORSHIP the Syrian Orthodox community in Mallow continues to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in St James’s Church, Mallow, on the last Sunday of each month. Also on the last Sunday of each month, the monthly Ecumenical gathering for Anglicans, Methodists, Roman Catholics and Christians of other traditions takes place in the hall at the Convent of Mercy, Main Street, Charleville. It offers an opportunity for worship, conversation and friendship.
BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS 2024 marks the bicentenary of the consecration of St James’s Church, Mallow, and a number of events have been planned to mark this year of celebration. On Thursday 29th February, there was a Table Quiz in Albert Lynch’s bar, O Brien Street, Mallow, next to the Courthouse. Albert’s bar occupies the original site of the first Church of Ireland School in Mallow. This was an evening of great fun, friendship and engagement with the wider community. Photos to follow!
URNAÍ NA NÓNA AS GAELIGE As part of our St James 2024 celebrations, we are delighted to host the annual Service for St Patrick’s Day in Irish. It will take place in St James’s Church, Mallow, on Friday 15th March at 7.30pm. The preacher will be Dr Rita Kelly, Irish Language Development Officer for the Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise (Irish Guild of the Church of Ireland). Dr Kelly is a poet and writer in both Irish and English. A native of County Galway, she has lived in Germany, Manhattan, Waterford, Carlow and now Offaly. The service will be followed by refreshments. All are very welcome to join us.

HOLY WEEK & EASTER there will be a full programme of worship from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. In addition to services at the usual times on Palm Sunday, there will be Night Prayer with a devotional address on Monday 25th March at 8.00pm in St James’s Church, Mallow; and on Tuesday 26th March at 8.00pm in St Mary’s, Castletownroche. On Wednesday 27th March at 11.00am, there will be a celebration of the Eucharist with address in St James’s Church, Mallow. On Maundy Thursday (28th March) at 8.00pm there will be a celebration of the Eucharist with the Washing of Feet and Stripping of the Sanctuary in St Mary’s Church, Doneraile. On Good Friday (29th March) at 7.00pm the Liturgy of Good Friday, with dramatic reading of the Passion according to St John, will take place in St James’s Church, Mallow. On Holy Saturday (30th March) at 8.00pm, the Easter Liturgy, with lighting of the new fire, vigil of readings, renewal of baptismal vows and first Eucharist of Easter will take place in St Mary’s Church, Castletownroche. On Easter Day (31st March) there will be festal celebrations of the Eucharist at 10.00am in St Mary’s, Doneraile; and at 11.45am in St James’s Church, Mallow.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVERSATION As a Designated Town under the Government’s Development Plan, Mallow is home to many people from different parts of the world, from different cultures and speaking different native languages. Some of them are worshippers at St James’s Church and are a valued part of the Christian community here. Mallow Library is hoping to begin a group to enable new arrivals in the town to practice English language conversation, on Fridays from 11.30am to 12.30am. Those interested in volunteering as a conversation partner are invited to contact the Library on 022 21821 or mallow.library@corkcoco.ie
THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS We were sad, but thankful, to commend to God two of our parishioners who died recently. A Funeral Service took place for Sandy Lysaght in St Mary’s, Doneraile, in early January conducted by the Venerable Andrew Orr. At the end of January, the Rector presided at the Funeral Eucharist for Louise Nagle, a well-known and much-loved parishioner, whose musical gifts, as well as her love of travel, her garden and the countryside, were celebrated. In the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Castletownroche, at the beginning of January, a Requiem Mass was held for Gerry Flynn who worshipped regularly with us in Saint Mary’s Castletownroche throughout 2023. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
SIGNIFICANT BIRTHDAYS As a Union of parishes we sent our best wishes to two parishioners in particular on the occasion of significant birthdays. Cliff O’Hanlon celebrated his 96th birthday at the end of January and George Buckley celebrated his 90th birthday on Ash Wednesday (St Valentine’s Day).

FARMERS’ MARKET A reminder that the market continues to offer a wide range of local produce, including bread, fish, eggs, poultry, vegetables, preserves, handmade crafts and much more on Friday mornings in the grounds of St James’s Church, Mallow from 9am to 1.00pm.