Newsletter – November 2020

Mallow Union Newsletter

St. James’  Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile,  St. Mary’s Castletownroche

    November 2020              

         Rector in Charge:  Canon Alan Marley



Pastoral Care: Rev. Tony Murphy




Facebook: Mallow Union of Parishes

Lay Readers:  Avril Gubbins 022/24267

Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477


Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we are back in Level 5 restrictions which means there is no churches open.  But thanks to Canon Alan Marley and Rev Tony Murphy they are emailing us the Sunday readings and a refection on the readings.  (If you are not receiving them and wish to, please email Canon Alan on   Also there are services on line that we can avail of and services on TV each Sunday. 

Harvest Services

Thankfully just before we had to shut the churches again we had our harvest services.  Thanks to Emmanuel, Rev. Tony Murphy and Canon Alan Marley for taking the services. 

Castletownroche Collection was for Christian Aid €240

Doneraile was for Edel House, Cork €470

Mallow was for The Irish Emergency Appeal Coronavirus Appeal €432.50              


We extend our sympathy to the family of  Bertie Daly who was laid  to rest on the 11th October in his beloved St. John’s Buttevant.  Our thoughts and prayers are very much with his sister Louise; and with Sydney, Jane, Jenny, William, Jonathan, Sara his nieces and nephews in this time of sadness and bereavement.  A private funeral has taken place and at some time in the future we will rightly gather to celebrate and give thanks for Bertie’s life.  Also we extend our sympathy to Anne Lysaght and family on the death of her sister Joan Meschede who passed away recently in France.  She will be cremated and laid to rest with her husband in France.


Annual General Meeting

This year we had to do our meeting differently due to Covid-19.  The Secretary of the Vestry Linda Deane sent out nomination forms to all registered vestry members to be returned with nominations.  Then there was a Zoom meeting  thanks to Canon Alan for hosting this.  Jackie Nagle Treasurer presented the accounts and Linda Deane talked about the voting forms that were to be posted out.   (Thanks to Linda Deane and Diana Buckley for sending out the forms to the registered members and getting them returned in a very short time scale.  They were posted on the 8th October and back and counted on the 12th October)  Thanks to everyone who joined the meeting and to Jackie and Linda for there work and to the Canon Alan, Linda and the Churchwardens for counting the votes.


The following were elected for 2020/21

 Rectors Wardens:

Hazel Ladd (Castletownroche)

Mary St Leger (Doneraile)

Victor Wolfe (Mallow)

Andrew Gardiner (Rectors Glebe Warden)

Peoples Wardens:

Diana Buckley (Castletownroche)

Catherine Harold Barry (Doneraile)

Chris Bond (Mallow)

Susan Buckley (Peoples Glebe Warden)


The Select Vestry Members are as follows:  William Bartels, Emma Brennan, Susan Brennan, Maurice Clancy, Linda Deane, Myrtle Forde, Avril Gubbins, Aoife Ladd, Ina Lillis, Jackie Nagle, Ruth Sherlock and Jane Wharton. 


Synods people 2020/23:

Ruth Sherlock, Linda Deane, Chris Bond and Victor Wolfe.


Supplemental Synods people:

Emmanuel Adebisi, Diana Buckley, Ina Lillis and Emma Brennan.


Nominators 2020/23:

Susan Brennan, Linda Deane, Victor Wolfe and Susan Buckley.


Supplemental Nominators:

Jackie Nagle, Diana Buckley, Chris Bond and Ina Lillis.


A short Zoom meeting was held on Thursday 15th October.  Jackie Nagle was elected Treasurer and Linda Deane Secretary. Thanks to them for taking up the positions again.


Mothers Union
If anyone would like to order christmas cards diaries etc..  Please ring Ruth Sherlock on 086/1588719 as this year we will not be able to have the Enterprise box but she is happy to take orders from anyone interested.

Historic Graves  

St. Mary’s Castletownroche is being recorded at present but because of restrictions there are only two people able to work on it.


Congratulations to Doris Adam and Kelly Uwumarogie who were married last Saturday 24th October in St. James’ Church Mallow.


3rd November     Vestry Meeting at 8pm on Zoom

December           Christmas Concert on Facebook

                           (more information to follow)





1st November (All Saints Day)                                                White

Jeremiah 31: 31-34  Psalm 34: 1-10  Revelation 7: 9-17  Matthew 5: 1-12


8th November (3rd Sunday before Advent)                             Green

Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25  Psalm 78: 1-7  1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 

Matthew 25: 1-13


15th November (2nd Sunday before Advent)                          Green

Judges 4: 1-7  Psalm 123  1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11  Matthew 25: 14-30 


22nd November (1st Sunday before Advent)                           White

Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24  Psalm 100  Ephesians 1: 15-23  Matthew 25: 31-46


29th November (1st Sunday of Advent)                                   Violet

Isaiah 64: 1-9  Psalm 80: 1-8, 18-20  1 Corinthians 1: 3-9  Mark 13: 24-37



If you have anything to put in the November magazine please give to Diana Buckley before Thursday 12th November and for the December Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 2nd December.   Email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.

The Month Ahead Pray with us