Mallow Union Newsletter
St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche
January 2020
Rector in Charge: Canon Alan Marley
Facebook: Mallow Union of Parishes
Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267
Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477
We take this opportunity to wish all our readers and parishioners a Happy and Peaceful 2020.
St. John’s Christmas Sale was held on Sunday 1st December at 2.30pm in the GAA Hall, Buttevant in aid of St. John’s Church, Buttevant. Thanks to all who came and supported it and to all the helpers for organising it.
Christmas started for alot of our parishioners on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December with our Annual Concert. But this year we had two wonderful nights instead of one. Firstly, we would like to thank Susan Brennan for all the work she and her family put into it. Thanks to John Coulter, Maurice Clancy and all the church decorators and cleaners, Linda Deane for the mince pies and mulled wine, the four teams for serving the mulled wine/tea and mince pies and cleaning up after, the ticket collectors and sellers, the carpark attendants and last but not least the performers on the nights Cór Mhágh Ealla, Linda Kenny, Damian Smith, Pamela Muganwa, Alan Carney MD & Friends and to everyone else that helped in anyway. And of course to all who came on the nights.
Carol Services
Thanks to Emmanuel Adebisi for leading the Carol Services in Buttevant and Castletownroche and to Avril Gubbins for leading the Carol Services in Mallow and Doneraile. Thanks to all who cleaned and decorated the churches, the organists, those who read lessons and those who prepared and served the teas and to all who came and supported these services.
Christmas Eve/Day Services
Thanks to Emmanuel Adebisi for leading the Christingle and Carol Service on Christmas Eve in St James’ Church and to all the Jigsaw club for preparing for this service on Saturday 21st with their Oranges and Candles. Thanks to Canon Alan Marley for taking the Christmas Eve Service in Doneraile and to Rev Tony Murphy for coming to Castletownroche and Mallow on Christmas morning.
Children’s Christmas Party
Thanks to all involved in the Christmas Party on Saturday 28th December in St. James’ Hall Mallow. Thanks to Santa for making a quick visit.
New Years Eve
Thanks to all our bell-ringers for coming out on New Year’s Eve to ring out the old year and ring in the New Year. And to all who came to listen and enjoy the first cup of tea of 2020.
If you are interested in going bowling in The Planet Cork on Tuesday 7th January please let Ruth Sherlock (086/1588219), Vivian Wharton or Linda Deane know as soon as possible. We will meet in Mallow at 7.20pm and then all meet in Cork for 8pm. Reminder: Our membership is due by 15th January. Anyone who needs a form contact Ruth Sherlock.
Congratulations to Jean Bolster on the birth of a baby boy Dylan recently.
Congratulations to Emma Brennan on her recent gradation.
We extend our sympathy to Hazel Ladd and family on the death of her uncle Patrick St. Leger in Dublin. To Esther and Dermot Graham on the death of Dermot’s father Arthur Graham in Limerick. To Albert (Bertie) Daly and Louise Nagle and family on the tragic death of Evangeline Jane (Eva) Daly, Buttevant who was buried in St. John’s Graveyard, Buttevant on Monday 23rd December. To Bobby Ludgate on the death of his sister Ethel Judge in Cork. And to Jane Wharton on the death of her uncle Leslie Whiteford Kilkenny. We think of all others who have died in the last twelve months.
Notes from Vestry Meeting 4/12/19
Correspondence – A letter from the Bishop is to be sent out to all parishioners. A letter came from Muriel Sutton’s family thanking the parishioners for their sympathy.
Finances – Jackie gave us an update copy of accounts and said it would look like there would be a shortfall at the end of the year. It was decided that a letter would be sent out to each parishioner. Thanks to Jackie for the accounts.
Rectory – Everything is nearly done now in rectory except the exterior painting and flat roof to be looked at.
St. James’ Church – vestry to be looked at next year, they have got architect report but no prices yet for work and the sanctuary will have to be painted in time.
St. Mary’s Castletownroche – Prices have been got for the doors and putting up the plaque and fixing the bottom of the window. The plaque has been fixed back up on wall and the work on the doors is starting.
St. Mary’s Doneraile – Thanks to Andrew Gardiner for sorting the floor at the back of the church and thanks to those who tidied up the vestry. Downpipe by boiler house and soakway must be checked.
Safeguarding trust – nothing to report
Health and Safety – All ok
Carol Services are as follows and collections have been decided:
St. James’ Mallow 15th December at 7pm Collection Homeless Help and Support
St. Mary’s Castletownroche – 22nd December 3pm Collection Marymount Hospice
St. Mary’s Doneraile – 29th December 3pm Collection Cork Simon
Rectors Business – Thanks to all for leading services. Unfortunately the 8pm Service in Mallow is not H.C. But during a vacancy we have to except there will be some changes and also at Easter there will possibly be changes with services.
AOB – Jigsaw Club is on Saturday 21st December at 2.30pm and the Children Christmas Party was arranged for Saturday 28th December at 3pm in St. James’ Hall, Mallow
Date of next meeting 29th January 2020 at 8pm in St. James’ Hall Mallow.
There will be M.P. in St. James’, Mallow on Wednesday mornings 11am
Tuesday 7th January MU Bowling in Planet Cork 8pm
Sunday 19th January Ecumenical Service Mercy Centre Charleville 7.30pm
Wednesday 29th January Select Vestry meeting in St. James’ Hall Mallow 8pm
5th January (2nd Sunday of Christmas) White or Gold
Jeremiah 31: 7-14 Psalm 147: 13-21 Ephesians 1: 3-14 John 1: (1-9), 10-18
Castletownroche 10am M.P. Avril Gubbins
Doneraile 10am H.C. Canon Alan Marley
Mallow 11.45pm H.C. Canon Alan Marley
12th January (1st Sunday of Epiphany) White
Isaiah 42: 1-9 Psalm 29 Acts 10: 34-43 Matthew 3: 13-17
Castletownroche 10am H.C. Canon Peter Rhys Thomas
Doneraile 10am M.P. Avril Gubbins Family Service
Mallow 11.45pm M.P. Emmanuel Adebisi Family Service
19th January (2nd Sunday of Epiphany) White
Isaiah 49: 1-7 Psalm 40: 1-12 1 Corinthians 1: 1-9 John 1: 29-42
Castletownroche 10am M.P. Emmanuel Adebisi
Doneraile 10am H.C. Rev Tony Murphy
Mallow 11.45pm H.C. Rev Tony Murphy
26th January (3rd Sunday of Epiphany) White
Isaiah 9: 1-4 Psalm 27: 1, 4-12 1 Corinthians 1: 10-18 Matthew 4: 12-23
Castletownroche 10am H.C. Canon Peter Rhys Thomas
Doneraile 10am M.P. Avril Gubbins
Mallow 11.45pm M.P. Emmanuel Adebisi
2nd February ( 4th Sunday of Epiphany) White
Micah 6: 1-8 Psalm 15 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31 Matthew 5: 1-12
Castletownroche 10am M.P. To be announced
Doneraile 10am H.C. To be announced
Mallow 11.45pm H.C. To be announced
If you have anything to put in the February magazine please give to Diana Buckley before Sunday 12th January and for the February Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 29th January. Email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.