Newsletter – April 2016

Mallow Union Newsletter
St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche
April 2016


Rector: Canon Eithne Lynch
022/21473 or 086/2535002
Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267
Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477

Easter Vestry
Please note that the Easter Vestry is on the 13th April at 8pm in St. James’ Hall Mallow. Please do try to attend this meeting so that you can elect whom you wish to serve on the Select Vestry for the coming year.

World Day of Prayer
This year, on the 4th of March, it was the turn of the Roman Catholic ladies in our area to host the World Day of Prayer. This was led by Mrs. Eileen Palmer in Hazelwood Church with people from both Churches taking part. As always, there was a lovely atmosphere in the cosy little church. The Service was put together by the women of Cuba with the theme of “Receive children, receive me.” As one would imagine, the music was lively and modern, with a Taize chant interspersed through the meditation, which was presented beautifully by our own Hazel Sherlock.
Thank you to all who helped in any way to make the Service such a joyous occasion.

Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday was on the 6th March. Thanks to all who organised flowers in each of the three churches for all the ladies.

Laura Brennan’s Volunteering plan
Thanks to all who supported the Tea/Coffee day on Friday the 18th March at her home in Mallow. Her next fundraiser is a dance to the music of Dave Rea on 23rd April in the Hibernian Hotel. All support and donations are greatly appreciated. Laura is planning a trip to South Africa to volunteer in an orphanage and the local community near Durban in October 2016. She will be there for two weeks working as a nurse.

Easter Services
We started our Easter Services on Wednesday 23rd March in Mallow at 11am and Doneraile at 8pm. Then on Maundy Thursday we had a service in Castletownroche at 8pm with the washing of feet (thanks to our four volunteers) and the stripping of the Holy Table. On Good Friday morning we had a children’s fun morning with colouring, singing and we made the Easter Garden. Thanks to Jennifer Hartnett for demonstrating and helping the children with this. Afterwards the garden went to each of the three churches so everyone could see it during the Easter Day services. We held the Children’s service at 12 noon, which the young people lead. Thanks to all the readers. Then after the service we had an Easter egg hunt and tea. Thanks to all involved with this morning. On Good Friday night we had a service of readings from St John’s Passion narrative with prayers, hymns and silence in Mallow at 8pm.
On Holy Saturday we held our Easter Vigil in Castletownroche at 9pm where we started the service outside the church with the lighting of the Easter Candle from the newly kindled fire, then entering the church in darkness and passing the light to one another inside the church, after which we continued with the first Holy Communion Service of Easter. On Easter Sunday morning Holy Communion was celebrated in Doneraile at 10am and Mallow at 11.45am.

Thanks to everyone who decorated and cleaned the churches for Easter and provided the music and anyone else who helped in anyway to make these services so special.
Mothers Union
A group of seven travelled to Dromana House and Gardens near Villierstown for the Annual Prayer walk on Wednesday 23rd March. This was lead by Mrs. Patsy Devoy and afterwards we enjoyed afternoon tea and a tour of the house. This prayer walk has become part of Holy Week and thanks to the Lismore MU for their kind invitation.

The MU Festival Service is in Douglas Church on Saturday 16th April at 11.30am. The preacher at this service will be Canon Eithne Lynch. The service will be followed by a Council meeting.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 20th April at 8pm in St. James’ Hall Mallow. When a speaker Sheena Cadoo from the Crystal Project Group will hopefully come to talk to us. The Crystal Project Group is a community dementia project in North Cork led by the HSE.

We express our sympathy to Eamonn Winters on the death of his mother Freida Winters late of Blarney and Mallow recently. Also to Bertie Daly whose brother-in-law Jack Armitage died a couple of weeks ago. To George Ellis and family on the death of his uncle Roland Sweetnam, to Sara Browne whose grandfather Harry Stewart died recently and to Valerie Gardiner and family on the death of her aunt Patricia Egan.

Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes will be commencing this week in the Rectory. If you have not yet given your name to Canon Eithne please do so. The Confirmation service will be on Sunday 15th May in St James’ Church at 11am. It will be a United Parish Service.

Alzheimer’s Tea Day
It is that time of year again when the Alzheimer Society of Ireland ask people to host tea day’s around the country. Diana and Mark Buckley, Bridgetown, Castletownroche will host a tea party on Friday 6th May from 10.00am to 4.00pm and from 8pm till late. So if you are free please come along for a cup of tea/coffee and cake. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Blackwater Social Club
The Blackwater Social Club have decided again to host a BBQ and Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday 22nd May at Mark and Diana Buckley’s, Bridgetown, Castletownroche. More details to follow.

There will be Holy Communion in St. James on Wednesdays morning at 11am

Wednesday 6th April    H.C. And Healing Service in Mallow at 11am (followed by tea with the MU members)
Wednesday 13th April  Easter Vestry in St. James Hall, Mallow 8pm
Saturday 16th April      MU Festival Service in Douglas Church at 11.30am followed by a Council meeting.
Sunday 17th April         Ecumenical Service Mercy Centre Charleville 7.30pm
Wednesday 20th April MU meeting Crystal Project Speaker (Dementia) in St. James’ Hall Mallow at 8pm
Saturday 23rd April     Dance in Hibernian Hotel with Dave Rea in aid of Laura Brennan’s Volunteering plan

Wednesday 4th May    H.C. And Healing Service in Mallow at 11am (followed by tea with the MU members)
Friday 6th May            Alzheimer’s Tea Day at Mark and Diana Buckley’s 10am to 4pm and 8pm till late
Sunday 15th May        11am Confirmation Service, Mallow (United)
Sunday 22nd May       Blackwater Social Club BBQ And Ice Cream Sunday at Mark and Diana Buckley’s
Saturday 13th August Parish Fete in the Church Grounds
Friday 9th December Christmas Concert in St. James’ Church, Mallow



3rd April (2nd Sunday of Easter) White
Acts 5: 27-32 Psalm 118: 14-29 Revelation 1: 4-8 John 20: 19-31
Castletownroche      10am M.P.
Doneraile                   10am H.C.
Mallow                       11.45am H.C.

10th April (3rd Sunday of Easter) White
Acts 9: 1-6, (7-20) Psalm 30 Revelation 5: 11-14 John 21: 1-19
Castletownroche      10am Family Service
Doneraile                  10am Family Service
Mallow                      11.45am Family Service

17th April (4th Sunday of Easter) White
Acts 9: 36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7: 9-17 John 10: 22-30
Castletownroche      10am M.P. & Sunday School
Doneraile                   10am H.C.
Mallow                       11.45am H.C.

24th April (5th Sunday of Easter) White
Acts 11: 1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21: 1-6 John 13: 31-35
Castletownroche      10am H.C.
Doneraile                   10am M.P.
Mallow                       11.45am M.P.

1st May (6th Sunday of Easter) Rogation Sunday White
Acts 16: 9-15 Psalm 67 Revelation 21: 10, 22-22:5 John 14: 23-29
Castletownroche      10am M.P.
Doneraile                  10am H.C.
Mallow                      11.45am H.C.

If you have anything to put in the May magazine please give to Diana before the 14th April and for the May Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 27th April. Email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.

The Month Ahead Pray with us