Harvest Services
Thanks to all who decorated the three churches for the Harvest services and to the Preachers Revd. Steve McCann (Doneraile), Revd. William Montgomery (Castletownroche), and Canon George Salter (Mallow) for coming to celebrate with us. Thanks to all those who helped with the teas after each service and to anyone else who helped in anyway to make these services more special.
Well done to the Doneraile bell-ringing team for taking part in the Fred Bogan Cup Competition in Bandon on Sunday 14th October. The team was Julia Lysaght, Linda Deane, David Deane, Roy Deane, Paul Deane and Mark Buckley.
Mothers’Union and Friends
Our October meeting was held on 16th October. Thank you to Richard Lynch who gave us a very interesting talk about his trip to Uganda. With the help of a power point he showed the work his group helped with.
We are having our pot luck supper on Saturday 10th November at Linda Deane’s home. This is usually a very sociable night. If anyone would like to attend please contact Ruth Sherlock, Vivian Wharton or Linda Deane. This is our fundraiser for Mothers Union overseas funds so there will be a charge of €10 on the night.
The Mothers Union are having a Conference on the 16th to the 18th November 2012 in the Celtic Ross Hotel Rosscarbery costing €135 for the full weekend or €50 for Saturday only. Please contact Ruth Sherlock or Vivian Wharton if you want any further information or a booking form (booking must be sent in immediately).
Irish Chamber Orchestra
Thanks to all who came and supported the concert in St. James’ on Thursday 25th October. The large audience had a most enjoyable night.
Saturday Bible Club
Saturday bible club continues again on Saturday the 10th November and will continue each Saturday morning from 11.30am to 1pm. This is for children aged between 4 and 12 years. This year the Christmas service that Bible Club will be taking part in will be in Castletownroche on Sunday the 16th December at 3pm. If there are any children that don’t come to bible club but want to take part in the service please contact Diana Buckley as soon as possible or the Rector.
Youth Club
The youth club has started meeting again every second Friday from 8pm – 9.30pm. Further details from Aoife Ladd or the Rector.
Children’s Ministry Certificate Course
Thanks to Susan Brennan, Diana Buckley, Jennifer Hartnett and Hazel Ladd for taking the time out to do this course that is running in St. Luke Educational Centre one Saturday morning a month for seven months.
Best wishes to Mary Coulter who celebrated her Birthday recently.
We wish to express out sympathy to Lena and Bill Younghusband on the death of Lena’s sister in law Eleanor McGarr.
Hope Foundation
William Foody is hosting a coffee morning at the Hibernian Hotel Mallow on Thursday the 22nd November from 10am-12pm to raise funds in aid of the Hope Foundation for projects for the street and slum children of Calcutta. ThecoffeemorningwillincludearangeofChristmascardsand gifts for sale plus a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses.
St. John’s Church Buttevant
The Annual Christmas Bazaar in aid of St. John’s Church Buttevant in on Sunday 25th November at 3pm in the GAA Hall Buttevant. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Thanksgiving Service St. James 2012
Our Harvest Thanksgiving Service has come and gone for another year and what a celebration it was over 220 people attended. It was wonderful toseesomanypeoplepraisingtheLord. WecanbeverygratefultoSusan Brennan for co-ordinating the festival and to our Rector Canon Eithne for coming up with the idea of having all the windows done differently. It worked very well having a lot of the parishioners involved, people viewing the arrangements were very impressed with their talent. I cannot mention names as they are too numerous to mention. I must mention John Coulter who is always there to keep us on our toes – he has told me that he can step aside now as he has them all trained to decorate and flower arrange but will always be there to lend a hand! Thank you John for all your hard work going back over many years! It was great to see Canon George Salter back in St. James we were very inspired with his address. I must thank our organist Shirley for the tremendous work she put into preparing for the service the music and singing was only divine. We were pleased that the pupils from Mallow No1 National School were present and helpedwiththesingingaswellassingingonehymnontheirown. Well done to all involved. Thank you Jennifer for organising the readings. Finally a big thank you to all the ladies for preparing the tea and for such beautiful cakes, all were eaten. St. James Church is very much alive looking forward to the Christmas Concert on December 14th. Thanking you all again. DVD’s of the service are available from Kathlyn Foot at €10 each.