Confirmation Service
A special word of thanks was received from the Bishop for all the preparation that went into the Confirmation Service in Doneraile. Thanks again to the families, friends and parishioners who came to support the candidates. Thanks to the Doneraile people for the refreshments after the service.
Harvest Services
Thanks to the three speakers who came to our harvest services this year Revd Denis McCarthy to Castletownroche, Revd. Elizabeth Hewitt, Adair Methodist minister to Doneraile and Revd. Brian O’Rourke to Mallow. Thanks to all the people who decorated the churches so well and for those who provided the teas.
Thomas Davis Commemoration
The annual Thomas Davis Commemoration service and lecture was held in St. James’ Church, Mallow on 14th October. Mr John Hassett, President of the Irish Bardic Association delivered the Commemoration Address. The music was provided by Cόr agus Ceoltόirί Ghaelscoil Thomάis Dάibhis and the Thomas Davis Pipe Band.
To Joy and Kevin Carton on the arrival of baby, Sam. To Mary Coulter on celebrating her birthday recently.
St. James Church Roof
The work on the roof and behind the organ in St. James’ Church is nearly completed. We are very satisfied with the builders and they were very clean at there job. Also the organ repairs are nearly finished. Anyone who has raffle tickets sold please return the tickets and money and keep selling the tickets as it would be good to have the money in as soon as possible.
St. James Church Hall
After the damage done to the floor last winter in the hall. The floor has to be replaced. When the old floor was taken up there were at least two leaks found and these have been repaired but we are still waiting for the floor to dry. While the floor is drying it was decided to paint the hall and this is underway at present. Thanks to Richard Lynch for co-ordinating this and to all the painters who have volunteered their time to paint.
Mothers Union and Friends
Thanks to all who came and supported the travelling supper on
Saturday the 8th October. €640 was raised in total and is to be divided between MU Overseas Funds and Parish Funds. On Tuesday the 18th October we had Patsy Devoy from Carrigrohane parish to speak to us on Bye Buy Childhood in the Rectory. This was a very interesting meeting and the Fermoy ladies joined us on the night. Also on the night we celebrated Mary Coulters 97th Birthday. Thanks to Ruth Sherlock for baking a cake which we used as the birthday cake.
Our next meeting is on Friday the 11th November at 8pm in the Hall in Mallow. Hazel Bourke is coming and doing a cookery demonstration. All are welcome to join us on the night. Also a reminder to members membership is due €26 for members and €15 for friends before the 9th December.
Friends of St. John’s Buttevant
The Annual Sale for the friends of St. John’s Buttevant is on Sunday the 27th November at 3pm in the GAA Hall in Buttevant. Your support for this would be appreciated.
We wish to express out sympathy to Tom and Susan Brennan and family on the death of Tom’s mother recently.
Church Warden
Ina Lillis has resigned as Rector’s Church Warden in Doneraile and Linda Deane has taken over. Special thanks for all that Ina has done during her time as Warden in Doneraile Church.
Weekday Services in St. James on Wednesdays at 11am
Friday 11th November – Cookery Demonstration in the Hall 8pm Saturday 12th November – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am Saturday 12th November – Children’s Choir Practise St James Church 12.30am
Saturday 19th November – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am
Saturday 19th November -Choir Practise in St. James Church 11.30am
Friday to Sunday 18th – 20th MU Conference Small Change-Big Difference in the Celtic Ross Hotel Rosscarbery
Sunday 20th November Inter-church Service in Charleville 7.30pm
Saturday 26th November – Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am Saturday 26th November – Choir Practise in St. James Church 11.30am Sunday 27th November – Friends of St. John’s Buttevant Sale in GAA Hall 3pm
Saturday 3rd December Bible Club in St. James Hall 11.30am
Wednesday 7th December Vestry Meeting in St. James Hall 8pm
Friday 16th December Concert in St. James Church Mallow
Sunday 18th December Children’s Carol Service in Doneraile 3pm (Collection Simon Community)
Thursday 22nd December Carol Service in Castletownroche 7pm
(Collection Mission to Seafarers/Church Funds)
Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve Mallow 8pm
Christmas Eve Doneraile 11.30pm
Sunday 25th December Christmas Day Castletownroche 10am
Christmas Day Mallow 11.45am
Wednesday 28th Dec Children’s Christmas Party in St. James Hall 3pm
Sunday 1st January United Service in Mallow 11am
Friday 6th January Carol Service in Mallow 8pm (Collection Protestant Aid/Church Funds)
13th November (2nd before Advent)
Judges 4: 1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Matthew 25: 14-30
Castletownroche 10am Family Service
Doneraile Family Service 10am
Mallow Family Service 11. 45am
20th November (1st before Advent) The Kingship of Christ White
Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1: 15-23 Matthew 25: 31-46
Castletownroche 10am MP
Doneraile 10am HC
Mallow 11. 45am HC
27th November (1st Sunday of Advent) Violet
Isaiah 64: 1-9 Psalm 80: 1-8, 18-20 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 Mark 13: 24-37
Castletownroche 10am HC
Doneraile 10am MP
Mallow 11. 45am MP
4th December (2nd Sunday of Advent) Violet
Isaiah 40: 1-11 Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3: 8-15a Mark 1: 1-8
Castletownroche 10am MP
Doneraile 10am HC
Mallow 11. 45am HC